A Much Needed Talk

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*Anima forest*

Qrow sat infront of everyone, he had given his explanation on Salem, The maidens and a brief explanation on the role that keith played in all of it. Everyone was speechless, they couldn't comprehend the words that came out the older mans mouth, the seemed to all look over at Keith for confirmation and he nodded to them which only made them worry more.

Qrow: Really? No questions"

Jaune: Of course we have questions! It's just alot to take in...

Qrow: Sure, of course...

Six: So these "Maidens"...They're are powerful fighters that don't need dust to use magic

Qrow: Yeah

Nora: And there's four of them?

Qrow: Always

Ren: And when one of them dies, their powers transfer to a female that they car about?

Qrow: Whoever was in their thoughts last. important distinction. Best option, it's someone we can trust, regardless, their souls become combined in a way.

Ruby: What about keith? You said that he's involved in all this as a "guardian"?

Qrow glances over at Keith who was leaning on a rock in silence, he looks back at the others and nods.

Qrow: Keith's job is to protect humanity and the maidens from any dangers that many threaten their safety, the guardians have served their jobs for years but their way of power transfer is pretty complicated.

Pyrrha: So this clears up any doubt on what Ozpin told me when he first discussed this matter, i think i can safety say that me being a maiden is completely out of the question?

Qrow: Cinder's were abouts are practically unknown, it was something Neo, Keith and I were trying to figure out. She has the maiden powers now and it's in best interest of getting them back, if we succeed we're going to need you on standby

Jaune: You can't just put that responsibility on Pyrrha!

Pyrrha: Jaune please-

Jaune: No! Aqua died trying to keep, i would be a terrible friend if i let him die in vain if i just let you become a maiden that will mostly die in battle!

Pyrrha: Jaune, if i die to save the lives of the people on remnant then that's a chance I'm willing to take, besides it isn't set in stone.

Jaune grunts in frustration before getting up and walking away into the forest to clear his head, Pyrrha gets up and goes to follow him looking back at the others with a sheepish face before leaving.

Ruby: That guy with the arrowheads, Tyrian. Why was he after me?

Qrow: Well you definitely painted a target on your back after what you did at beacon. I told you having silver eyes is a rare trait and the fact that your someone that's able to use them seems to have upset some powerful people. Not many people know about the silver eyes and those who do aren't very happy that one has surfaced. That's why we've been keeping an eye on you, to keep you safe from any dangers that may cross you kids, like the arrowheads.

Ruby: Well then why not travel with us? It seems like that would've been way easier.

Jaune: They were using you as bait

Jaune voice can be heard in the distance and he seemed rather irritated about everything he had learned. Keith was about to say something about jaune's remark but before he could, Pyrrha places her hand on Jaune's shoulder to calm him down but he pushes her aside.

Qrow: Look kid calm down, it's a bit more complicated

Jaune: What the hell is all this!? What's going on!? And why can't you just tell us!?

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