Part 46: Wasp In My Room

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Made of glass
5:21pm 5/1/2024

They yell at us from across the field and I hear my ancestor's cries
Down from the heavens they shake me to my core as I know the other side is spreading lies.
Like a disease they  infect more and more
Until we're deceased they attack for a score
While we pray and dance and hope
We fill our spirits and raise our hearts
Our hearts for Isreal
I won't go another minute while our brothers and sisters are raped and die.
We should have a right to defend
yet I'm scared to just walk to class
Wearing my star I hide in my shirt
The tension is made of glass
Broken and shattered I watch them gawk at the quiet Jewish students who just want to talk
But every-time we try to have an open conversation
We're met with silence
Or violence
Or a misdirection
All that we want is to be allowed
to live
To protest
To protect and forgive
We keep all innocents even your own in our bomb shelters despite the trifled tone
Without us they'll  be killed
by their own government
Yet the world stays still
Saturated in trends, in lies, in disillusionment.
All I want to do is walk to class
Without feeling scared
Like I'm on eggshells
The campus made of glass

As you get older the futures brighter as you move closer to the light
As you get older the shadows wider
Of all the past traumas your leaving behind
as you get older you glide through the beam promising lavish wealth
And a more stable self esteem
The shadow gets darker
The future is blinding
And I'm just here gliding
up the beam.
I hear echos from my past in the shadows that surround
And if I stare too hard into the unknown
I'm sure to be blinded and bound
I'm in charge of myself and I run for my life and I take away the obstacles
Or did I jump over them out of spite
I know I'm ok but the songs echo from my mom
She said
"Don't stop dancing, don't stop dancing,
until the curtain call🎶"-(bojack)
11:11am 5/3/2024

The wasp in my dream
Like a door slowly approaching
Like a spot covering my eye
The wasp in the corner
The configuration of a lie
They trap me in a small red car
And on the ceiling it flys
The big black wasp buzzing bothering me as it taunts with its stinger side to side
I shout out "hey there's a wasp in the car" my family looks back at me and laughs
ANd with the foot on the gas
We go forward it flys back
And right for me it attacks
My yells are ignored so I hush them up as it stings on my neck and I bring my shoulders up
And it keeps on attacking me until I wake up
An amalgamation of your lies
The wasp in my dream flys
As everyone brushes off the ties
That connect you to the wasp of lies.

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