Chapter Thirteen

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The following morning Summer was awake bright and early even though she hadn't got a lot of sleep that night. She found herself constantly flustered with Lucas' arm wrapped around her for the majority of the night. As she stood in the bathroom brushing her teeth Summer wondered why Lucas had asked her to stay the night. They both knew that it would be four weeks until they were able to see each other again and she had suspected that they would satisfy each of their needs one last time before she went but they hadn't. In fact, Lucas had hardly spoken a word to her that night and went to bed before any real conversation could be made.

He was now standing behind her and reaching for his own toothbrush from beside the sink and just like the night before he didn't say a word. Summer muttered a 'good morning' which he replied to but that was it. She watched his reflection in the mirror as he stripped out of a pair of shorts and stepped into the shower. There had been a time when she had joined him but that had been after an invitation that she now didn't receive. But even if he had asked her to join him she wouldn't have as that would only make them late.

Summer left the bathroom and headed into the kitchen to feed Bella who was now walking in circles around her feet. Once the kitten was fed Summer waited patiently in the kitchen for Lucas who had said that he was taking her out for breakfast that morning. It was already seven-thirty and Summer only had two hours until she needed to be on the coach. Time began to slowly slip away as Lucas emerged from the bedroom with unstyled hair and casual attire.

"You ready to go?" He asked as he swiped his keys from the counter. Summer nodded in response, leaned down to say goodbye to Bella and then followed Lucas out of the apartment with her suitcase rolling behind her. She had decided to take it with her knowing that there was a small possibility that they would not be back to collect it before heading to the bus depot.

Once they were inside the car Summer wondered if things could possibly get any more awkward. The atmosphere between them suddenly felt tense and Summer began to wonder if that had anything to do with what they spoke about last night.

After a few continued moments of silence, Summer couldn't bear it any longer. "Everything okay?"

Lucas gave a 'mmhm', in response but didn't say much else. She wondered if he was just concentrating on the road ahead of him but that seemed unlikely as he was an expert behind the wheel- he had to be for the sake of his job.

She didn't press any further even though she really wanted to. Summer didn't want their last time together for four weeks to end in silence but it was looking like it would and she couldn't quite work out whether it had anything to do with what he said the night before.

Lucas turned the truck onto a small track off to the side of the main road and followed the dirt track past a couple of buildings and then pulled up outside of what could only be described as a modern barn. It was painted a vibrant red colour and the front had tall windows which allowed a clear view into the inside. From the moment that the barn had come into view Summer knew exactly where they were.

She smiled ever so discretely as she unclipped her seatbelt and slid out of the truck. Lucas still hadn't said a word as they made their way towards the barn. Being that it was early, it wasn't all that busy other than a few couples seated at various tables.

They waited by the door for a member of staff to come over which gave Summer the chance to take in the beautiful decor. There were wooden tables and chairs dispersed around the open space and strangely enough, each seemed as though it had been handmade. There was a rustic element to them and even though each chair appeared to be part of a set, they were all unique in their own way. Across the floor was an oak stage with a microphone, a couple of guitars and a drum set which indicated that the cafe was more than just that. From the ceiling fair lights were wrapped around the support beams which illuminated the vast space and it was as if, when you stepped into the barn, you were transported to another place entirely.

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