2- Forks Highschool.

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Monday morning was one of the roughest mornings I'd ever had. My alarm went off and for a second, I thought I was still at the house- before everything happened. I groaned as I stretched and headed for the bathroom. 

I ran through the routine, only adding a little more concealer to cover up my lack of sleep. Mom was long gone, and I didn't know when she'd be back. Her office was about an hour drive from Forks. I ran downstairs and grabbed a banana. I stopped in the living room and looked myself over in the mirror. My baggy jeans and converse were a staple in my closet, but the long sleeve Henley was new, a present from my mom for all of the trouble we'd had. 

I grabbed my bag and coffee, double checking that I had my house key, and then met Bella in front of her house. 

"You ready?" She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"No." I let out a breath and hopped into the truck. 

We got to the school early, and grabbed our schedules. The receptionist gave us both maps with the best routes highlighted. We thanked her and then walked to our first classes. She had English first, while I had History. Every single pair of eyes was on us, and that didn't change when we seperated. I was too busy staring at my map to notice the boy that matched my pace. 

"Are you Isabella or Reagan?" The boy asked. He had blonde hair and a boyish gleam in his eye. 

"Reagan." I replied, shoving the map in my jacket. 

"I'm Mike. You going to History?" He cocked his head to the History building. 

"Yeah, I am." I replied. 

"I'll walk with you, then." He kept up with my pace, and we fell into an uncomfortable silence. 

The teacher did a double take when I walked into the room. 

"Reagan?" I nodded. "Good. You'll sit with Emmett." 

I glanced around the room, and found the only empty chair. Emmett was a muscular guy, who was almost as tall as I was standing, even when he was sitting down. I sat down quickly while the teacher started the lesson. The class was moving super slow, because I had already learned about the topic at my old school. I started zoning out, still listening in case I had to answer a question, but I was drawing on my notebook paper. 

"Do you draw a lot?" Emmett whispered to me. 

"Not as much as I used to." I whispered back. 

"Those are good." He pointed to the characters I had drawn, depicting Pride and Prejudice plot points. 

"Thanks." I smiled at him. 

"Okay." The teacher spoke up. "Turn to your partner and talk about how labor laws have changed between 1909 and now, and go!" He turned to his desk and started sorting through stacks of papers. 

"Obviously they've changed." I chuckled as I turned towards Emmett.

"What's your name, new girl?" He smirked. 

"Reagan." He shifted in his chair, like the name was a curse. 

"What do you have next period, Reagan?" He relaxed himself. 

"English. You?" I retuned the question. 

"Chemistry." He chuckled, like it was a big joke. 

"This is a grade eleven class, though. Chemistry is a grade twelve?" I questioned him. 

"I missed a lot of school last year, and this was the class that took the biggest hit." He let out a breath, "So how have labor laws changed?" He changed the subject. 

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