3- Bella's Blues.

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The first week was grueling. After Bella's meltdown over Edward, he didn't show up the rest of the week. I thought that was what she wanted, but it just made her more upset. Emmitt wouldn't tell me anything about what was going on with him, just that he would be back monday. Jasper was the same, but also... not? He wouldn't look at me let alone talk to me in class, and at lunch their whole table, minus Edward, would stare at the walls, doors, windown, or the table- anything to avoid looking at other students or each other. 

Last monday, I had a dream about Jasper- but it was so obviously a dream. 

"Reagan,"  He called from behind me. 

"Jasper?" I questioned. I was in my sleep shorts and a hoodie, exactly what I was in when I went to sleep. 

"Show some sort of fear, please." He begged, inching closer to me with a predatorial stalk. "Be scared of me, Reagan. I could kill you." 

I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up as I turned around and inched closer to him, mesmerized by his eyes. "Im not scared of you, Jasper." I called back to him. 

"You should be, and you've proved your stupidity for thinking different." He spit. Another noise forced both of our attentions away from each other, and to the thick woods. A growl sounded, like a bear's but more animated. "Reagan," He reached for my hand. "You have a choice to make." He held my hand up to his chest, where I felt no heart beating, instead only feeling his cold, hard chest. 

A lurched me out of the way just in time to see a massive wolf lunge into the small clearing we were in. Its coat, a mixture of silvers and blacks, with eyes that bared the weigh of the human soul, were locked into Jasper. 

"Run, Reagan!" He shouted, just in time for me to see the wolf jump to Jasper, and rip his head clean off. 

I pushed the dream to the back of my mind as Bella and I walked through the parking lot. 

"Reagan!" Alice called from beside her car, where her whole family was standing. I sent Bella an apologetic look as I walked to the Cullens. 

"Hi, Alice." I smiled. 

"Rose and I want to go shopping this weekend, do you want to come?" She asked, motioning to Jasper's twin. 

"I'd like to, yeah. Where at?" I asked. 

"We're thinking Seattle." Rosalie answered from beside Alice. 

"I'm in." I hadn't enough time to reply before Alice was looping arms with me. 

"You didn't have a choice," She mused. "You need to change up some of your clothes." 

"What's wrong with my style?" I questioned. 

"You look like you belong in a disk jockeye's chair, not at a highschool." Rosalie called from behind us. 

"I guess. But I'm not going all girlie with dresses every day." I sent alice a stern look. 

"Fine." She quiped. She released me as we got closer to the buildings, and I walked towards Histroy, with Emmett not far behind me. 

My mind stayed ventered on Bella's mental health, she was still furious with Edward. She was letting this guy, who she knew nothing about, consume her every waking moment. I was worried about her, but there was nothing that I could say or do to calm her down. 

"What're you thinking about?" Emmett asked as we were passing our homework up. 

"Bella. She's going to kill your brother, you know." I whispered. 

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