Chapter 4 Instructor 1 and 4

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A few days passed and suddenly Ayin got pulled into her mind space again. But now instead of little 8 the one who stands before her is a tall man with a powerful presence so much so that it is suffocating. He is wearing a black military uniform with the insignia of a general. He has blue eyes that are colder than ice and a shirt black hair that looks very neat and proper. If there is a man that is said to be strong like a mountain and cold like a glacier that would be him. Seeing him Ayin can not help but to shudder.

The man: " You have potential seeing that you have not fainted in my pracessance." He says with a voice that fits his ice-cold image.

Ayin: ... Seriously?

The man: You can call me Instructor 1 and I will be overseeing your military training until you are strong enough to have me train you personally."

Ayin:"... Yes."

Instructor 1: " First is is time for you to choose which beginner course you should take." As he said that he waves  his hand and 3 light blue screens appear before Ayin with text written on them. She looks at the screens and read them and it turned out that only a title are written on them. On the first one it says speed and stamina. On the second one it is written Strength and deface. On the last one it says mixed arts. Looking at them Ayin thinks that it is pretty obvious what there meanings are. The first one properly for fast attacks with a lot of endurance. While the second one is more defencive option while focusing on raw strength while the last one is most likely a mix of the 2. So what she has to do now is to figure out which course is best suited for her. The most obvious choice should be the first one since she is female so she would probably be shorter and weigh less then men so focusing on strength should not be ideal since people with a higher wight class would have an advantage. But she doesn't think that completely abandoning the defencive part of the strange training is a good idea either. Then the mixed arts would probably be the best choice but that would probably mean double the work. She thinks about it for a while but cant decide so she looks at Instructor 1 and build up the courage to ask him.

Ayin: " Instructor 1 can i ask you which one you  think is best for me?"

Hearing this he gets a little surprised as he did not expect her to ask for his opinion of course if one where to look at him no one would be able to tell. The reason why he is surprised is because only veteran soldiers would dare to ask for his advice as new recruits would be to sacred him in order to do so. Because of this his opinion of Ayin has improved after all there doesn't exist a soldier who doesn't like a brave soul.

Instructor 1:" I would recommend you take the mixed arts path, although it is twice the work, when applied in real combat you can gain an advantage since you could choose the most appropriate fighting style that can counter your opponent. Keep in mind that if you choose this path you will need a lot of willpower to go trough it. Otherwise it would be wise to choose, stamina and speed as your grown up body most likely wont be heavy enough to pull off the strength path well."

Ayin: So my instinct was correct. 

After hearing his answer Ayin finally make up her mind and said: " I choose the mixed arts path.

Instructor 1: " You sure?"

Ayin:" yes." She says with confidence.

Instructor 1: "Alright."

Once he said that he moves his hand to his front and swipes to the left. The screen disappears and the environment starts to charge into what looks like a dojo but more high tech.

 Instructor 1: " Will go now and will let Instructor 4 take over."

Once he said that he said that he disappeared and  Instructor 4 appeared in his stead. Instructor 4 is a tall dark skinned women with short black hair and hazel eyes. Her temperament is cold but not to the same extent of Instructor 1 that can scare people to death with just one look. If he is a glacier then she is as cold as a snowflake. Warming up with just a touch. 

Instructor 4:" I am Instructor 4, i will incharge of your basic combat training. Are you ready?"

Ayin: " Yes." 

Seeing her answer without hesitation Instructor 4 content and smiles with her eyes.

Instructor 4: " Good then lets start."

Instructor 4 then shows her 6 sets of exercises that will help her with her flexibility and core balance. Right now Ayins real body is that of a new born so even if she practise combat in her mind space her real body wont be as strong. So only by practicing in the real world can she physically improve. So she is starting with these 6 sets of moves that she can practice even in her real form. Instructor 4 patiently performs all the moves until Ayin has memorized them and also help her to make those moves by herself. They did this over and over again until had remembered all the moves by heart.

Instructor 4: " We will now send you back and you most diligently practice these moves with your real body. After 3 month you are to execute these moves flawlessly as you will be tested. Fail, then the system will punish you. But if you succeed you will be rewarded."

Ayin:" What kind of reward?"

Instructor 1: " I do not know as i am not incharge of that."

Ayin: ... Why do i feel that it wont be anything good?

With that Ayin was sent back and all she has to do know is to learn how to practice those moves and how to move your body at her early age.  

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 17 ⏰

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