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"Thank you for taking care of Toulouse while I'm away. How is he doing?"

"We literally dropped him off an hour ago, Ari."

"Toulouse is just fine, sis. Enjoy yourself and enjoy Miami yeah? Don't forget to send pics!" Frankie puckered his lips, smacking noises can be heard from Ariana's phone as he blew kisses goodbye. Once he hung up, the car ride had gone to a silence; tension had been rising.

Victoria can't recall the last time she had seen her friend this tensed up. The last time might have been when Ariana was on a time-crunch at work. Part of her felt bad that she instigated further into bringing them onto the trip.

"On the bright side of things, at least we get to see Courtney again? Not to mention enjoy the beach.. maybe even have some hookups." She mentions in hopes that it would lighten her friends mood.

Ariana kept her focus mainly on the road as she drove. They had about fifteen minutes until they would arrive and meet with both Jasper and Riley.

"I'm looking forward to those things, I just kind of imagined my week off would be me at home, watching movies with Toulouse, y'know?"

"You do that all the time though. A little change of scenery won't kill you right?" Ariana hated to admit that Victoria was right. It wasn't often where she would get invited to go on a mini vacation. Even while knowing that she was going to have a good time, part of her still preferred to be at home.

Vic took this as the time to connect her phone to the aux; further progressing the mood in the car to a more happy environment.

A smile began to progress on Ariana's lips, unable to fight the excitement from coming out. The two then began to sing their hearts out.

rack city bitch, rack rack city, bitch
ten ten ten twenty on yo titties, bitch!

After four songs played on the queue, Ariana and Victoria had arrived to the airport. While waiting to get boarded, Ariana had sent a quick text to Courtney; letting her know that they should be there in six hours or so.

"Are you guys excited? I can't wait to get there, go clubbing and the beach! ugh I literally can't wait." Riley squealed while Victoria joined, the both of their excitement radiating more as they fantasized how the mini vacation would go.

Both Jasper and Ari had looked at the two in awe.

"So, how did you and Riley get invited to go to Miami?" The blonde sparked conversation while the other two continued gush over the trip.

"I made friends with this one guy and their dad owns the resort we're staying at. From what he told me, he got his dad to reserve a couple rooms for us and a few others to stay at."

"That's so nice! I appreciate you guys wanting to invite us."

"Definitely! I think we're all gonna have a pretty exciting week ahead of us."

Everyone finally settled down on the plane, now it being prepared to take off. Funny enough, Riley and Victoria decided to sit together while Jasper and Ariana sat together. Using up all of their excitement this early, the two were already fast asleep on the plane.

For awhile, it was silent between Ariana and Jasper. She felt somewhat awkward speaking to him, she wasn't sure how exactly to talk to him.

"Hey this has sort of been bugging me, I hope you don't mind me saying this." he suddenly spoke out loud, Ariana's attention now being on him. "Of course, is everything okay?"

"I just wanted to apologize for how perverted I might have came off back in high school. I cooled down a lot now, and I just remember flirting with you often. It wasn't cause I liked you— I mean you're great, I was just doing it to .. sorry I'm rambling now aren't I?" Jasper laughed at his awkwardness now showing. Ari just gave him a warm smile, "No it's okay. But why'd you do it then if you didn't like me?"

"Well.. Y/n had told me back then that they had a crush on you so I would just mess around with them and flirt with you." Needless to say that Ariana was slightly shocked with the idea that her high school crush at one point reciprocated her shared feelings. "Really?"

"Yeah. I honestly thought you guys were going to get together. I was rooting for you both." Hearing that made Ariana's heart drop slightly. It was bittersweet to hear that the two of them had shared the same thought around that time, but it simply wasn't meant to be.

"Yeah.. Funny enough I actually had a crush on Y/n back then too. I was just scared to come out as bisexual."

"It was pretty obvious." she was quick to playfully smack his shoulder, "How?"

Jasper shrugged while adjusting himself to his seat, "The way you both used to look at each other. It said everything without being vocalized." Ari had never taken that into consideration before. Had it been that obvious?

Ariana wasn't even completely out yet now. She had only told her closest friends and her brother. Even while her brother was more open with his sexuality, she was still afraid to come out to her parents; but she was certain that they have suspected something.

"Do you think Y/n is okay? I guess her going ghost scares me; makes me assume the worst y'know?" Jasper was then quick to interject,

"They're okay. I'm certain of it. They're probably traveling around the world. They always told me that was their life long goal."

"Yeah I remember them saying that.. Do you by any chance have their phone number? I know you two haven't been in contact but maybe I can leave a text or something?" He had then reached for his phone, going into his contacts to pull up Y/n's contact.


Ariana then reached for her phone, typing in the numbers into her phone, saving the contact. It brought her a bit of comfort having her contact on her phone again.

The two small talked every now and then throughout the trip until Jasper decided to fall asleep. Unfortunately for Ariana, it was as if she couldn't sleep. All the reoccurring thoughts flooded through her conscious.

Momentarily she began to reminisce of a time when she was with Y/n during their senior year. It was the annual senior skip day and Ariana had no intention on skipping class.

Y/n was appalled over the fact that Ariana was going to be the only senior at school, so they did what any friend who had a crush on their friend would do; drag them along for the day.

The main moment that Ariana had remembered was when the two spent that day at the boardwalk. There was hardly ever a moment where the two stopped talking. It was a complete yap-fest and Ariana was enjoying every single second.

A pang of guilt hit her chest, blaming herself for not keeping up to date with them. She kept thinking of the many 'what ifs' and scenarios of how it would have been if she kept up with them.

Trying to ground herself with reality, the thought of Y/n being somewhere and possibly being in a relationship with someone else came to mind. That bittersweet feeling returned, while the possibility of that was likely, part of her wished to share that with Y/n.

Another hour had passed and eventually Ariana was able to fall asleep, her very last thoughts being the one that got away.

authors note: bare with me guys, let me COOK. Once we get to Miami, it's gonna get goodddd

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