【Pregnancy Affirmations】

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warning: slight nsfw scene (nothing graphic, just a little suggestive)
also this is gonna go into some pregnancy fluff that involves body positivity since i think it's important! :)

"... you won't make fun of me for it, right," he asks, almost sounding insecure.

"of course not," you replied. "so tell me."

"... 'soki', which means a desired, beautiful girl who is as beautiful as a doll. although the main translation is 'desire' or 'wish', as in we wished for the child. it's fitting."

your eyes widened. "that's your pick?"

he gave you a disgruntled look. "you said you wouldn't make fun of me."

"n-no it's just... i've never heard of someone with that name," you replied. "where did you even find that?"

"i don't remember,' he mumbled, thumbing through the pages. "two others stood out to me, but that one was the most memorable."

"well what are the others that stood out to you," you asked, leaning your head on your shoulder.

"'izuyo', also known as the morning sun and 'makaira', the one who brings happiness."

"those are nice ones too," you said, musing to yourself. "are they your top picks?"

"for now, yes," he replied, closing the book. "maybe when the baby kicks, we can see which name it likes."

you chuckled, "if you want."

"i feel bad for you, love."

"how so?"

"the fact that she's my child already tells me that her kicking will be absolutely horrible for you to endure."

you sighed, "well... i figured just as much."

"don't act like you didn't know what you were getting into when you agreed to marry me," he scoffed.

"how could i say no to that face," you countered jokingly, cupping his cheeks in your hand and gently squeezing his porcelain skin.

he grumbled but didn't move his head, letting you play with his face with an annoyed expression on his face. his eyes, however, spoke volumes more than his pursed lips did.

"will you cut that out," he asked after a minute.


"Y/N i'm serious," he huffed. "i have something i need to do today."

"what would that be," you asked curiously, moving your arms so they draped around his neck endearingly.

"i have to run an errand for lesser lord kusanali."

"what errand?"

"... i'll tell you later. for now," he pecked your lips. "you need to sleep more."

you frowned, "whyyyy~? i want to know!"

"if you be a good girl and go to bed, i'll tell you," he replied, his voice filled with innuendo as he stood up and carried you bridal style to your shared room.

"as if that'd work on me," you rolled your eyes playfully. "i'm immune at this point."

"bold words coming from a woman who's carrying my child," he chuckled, laying you down before moving so his body hovered over you, his hands by your head as he looked at you with adoration.

you giggled, looking up at him with mirth, which made him let out a small chuckle himself. he leaned down, giving you a slow and deep kiss as one of his hands rubbed your stomach in slow circles. the coolness of his hand sent slight shivers up your back, but it felt good.

he made sure that you felt loved, letting his body melt into yours while minding your stomach. it wasn't like you were made of glass, but that's how he treated you.

like you were a prized glass vase.

"love," he murmured against your lips. "i know that you're pregnant but-"


"... i didn't even finish the question yet," he said, almost in disbelief even though his eyes were laughing at how abrupt your answer was.

"the answer is yes," you replied. "i want it too."

"what do you want," he asked, his head dipping down to taste the flesh of your neck, leaving small marks as he trailed them lower.

"you," you said softly, tilting your head back to give him more room.

"good girl."

in all truth, the two of you had been abstinent ever since you were pregnant. there were ways you two worked around it and both of you managed to fulfill your desires. the main reason for this was your husband.

he didn't feel comfortable engaging in anything strenuous, mainly because he didn't want any problems in your pregnancy. sure, he knows about pregnancies, hell he's seen many families over the past 500 years. but it's very different knowing that his wife of all people was pregnant with his child.

scaramouche gently undid your shirt, admiring your body and your belly. he pressed a kiss to your stomach, looking into your eyes. "you're so fucking pretty all swollen like this..."

you couldn't help but blush.

"are you sure you're talking about my stomach?"

he couldn't help but laugh. "you're such a dork."

"look at you, adopting my language," you countered.

he huffed and gently pressed another kiss to your lips as his hand trailed down and began to unzip your pants. "well i'm not wrong... is it bad for a man to admire his wife while trying to make love to her? and i'm not talking about your chest size, love. i was talking about my child that's growing inside you."

"as if! you've been ogling me for weeks ever since they grew!"

"i don't care if you're as flat as a board or you're overfilling," he replied firmly, pecking your lips again as his hand reached up to gently rub your stomach. "you're my wife and i love you, and i don't care what you look like. your beauty is a bonus on top of the many qualities that you possess that i adore. happy?"

you nodded your head.

he smirked, "good now shut up before i give you something to use your mouth on."

remember the question you had asked him earlier? about how he had something to do?

yeah, you don't even remember.

after your lovemaking, you were knocked out, absolutely spent. all you could think about is sleeping, getting water, and possibly getting back to being more active as soon as you recovered from childbirth.

unfortunately, the first part of your list was cut short when you heard a loud thud coming from the guest bedroom.

you let out a soft groan and sat up, immediately greeted by a sharp pain in your lower back. a soft yelp of pain left your throat, followed by a wince and a groan as you slid into your slippers and shuffled your way to finding out why he was being so loud.

the noise was coming from the guest bedroom, which made you curious. what could he possibly be doing in there?

"kuni? what are-"

you cut yourself off when you saw him on his knees, wood pieces in hand as he built up what looked like a.... crib?

plastic covers lined the floor, paint buckets in the corner of the room. there were also a lot of boxes, some open to reveal more wood and things that looked like baby toys. long gone were the old furnishings, which were likely shoved into the other guest bedroom.

"... what?" scaramouche asked, his tone questioning and slightly sharp, most likely because he wasn't expecting you to be awake.

your gaze drifted to scaramouche at the sound of his voice. he had stiffened and looked like a child who had gotten caught in the act while also looking sour at the fact he got caught. it was laughable, if not for the joy that overwhelmed you.

he was converting the guest bedroom into a nursery.

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