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posting this early <3

after you three got home, it was a nightmare getting adjusted. you were still recovering from childbirth, your body weak and still in pain.

considering you pushed a baby the size of a watermelon out of you, you were doing amazing!

scaramouche did everything for you - he made dinner, helped wash soki, and helped you breastfeed her. it was a tedious process, and you felt awful since you couldn't sleep. he didn't sleep either.

eventually, scaramouche switched to a special formula that albedo prescribed him. he had visited the alchemist in mondstadt a week back and was given a serum that soki would need to ensure she was healthy considering she wasn't fully human.

according to nahida, she had all the human organs and appeared human. however, her hair and skin were the same material as scaramouche's. soki would live as a human.

soki eventually passed out, and she was a pretty quiet sleeper. you passed out too. scaramouche decided to be the one to stay awake and help feed her. she had already begun losing weight, as all newborns do, and he wanted to make sure she was well-taken care of.

at some point, you heard scaramouche let out a soft groan. when you opened your eyes to peek at them, the baby had spit up when he was burping her. but he didn't even complain, simply placing the baby in her crib, changing his shirt, and went right back to holding her.

he had read almost every single book in the akademiya about childbirth and child care, and it showed.

at some point, you drifted off into a deep sleep. scaramouche decided to try and get at least an hour of sleep in and passed out next to you.

to help him out a little bit, you had gotten up (slowly of course) and went over to soki's crib to hold her. her tiny fingers held your clothes, her head perched on your chest as she slept. a smile crept up on your lips.

she was so precious and tiny. the spitting image of her father except for her eyes and smile. you also decided to let her feed, since scaramouche was asleep and that poor man hadn't slept from the moment your water broke to now.

yes, you were in pain. but you also felt bad for your husband.

soki was mostly quiet, except for the fact that she would make small sounds when breathing. thankfully for you and scaramouche, you didn't need to rotate her when she was asleep due to her skin and how her development was.

in other words, she wouldn't need the extra step that other human babies would have.

at some point, you grew really tired while sitting next to soki's crib, dozing off. then you felt a tap on your shoulder, snapping you awake.

"i'll take over. go to bed," scaramouche said softly, kissing your temple.

"... but the baby," you muttered. "and you're so tired, kuni..."

"i don't need as much sleep as you, Y/N," he replied. "you've just delivered her and you're trying to take care of her? baby, go rest."


"that wasn't an ask," he said firmly. "go to bed."

you sighed and got up, scaramouche immediately picking you up and carrying you back to your bed. "now i have two children to take care of."

"really," you snorted, deadpanning at him. "come on, i'm not that bad."

"you need to know when your limits are," scaramouche kissed your lips, setting you on the bed. "do you need anything?"

"i think i want to change undergarments. the fluid won't stop leaking," you replied, feeling uncomfortable.

"do you need help?"

you gave him an embarrassed look. "w-what?! no! kuni it's like a diaper... i can do it."

scaramouche deadpanned at you, "love, i've seen everything already. what husband would i be if i got grossed out by it?"


scaramouche let out a soft sigh, grabbing one of the large diaper-like undergarments that he had bought per nahida's recommendation. "here. if you're not comfortable with me looking, it saves you a few steps."

you gently took it from him with a smile. "thanks kuni. i don't want you to feel like you have to take care of me too. soki is already a lot to handle."

"it's nothing," scaramouche replied, leaving the room. "when i get back, i'd better see you asleep and comfortable. got it?"

"got it," you called back softly, careful not to wake soki.

how did i get so lucky with a man like him?

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