Chp 11.Steel Ball Run Part 5

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In the middle of desert, Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar finally awake from their unconsciousness and look around

Gyro Zeppeli:Am I alive?...I thought I will be dead...

Johnny Joestar:Ugh... my head.. feel dizzy.. I don't even remember what is happening...

Medicine Melancholy:So you two idiot are awake?

Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar look at Medicine Melancholy

Gyro Zeppeli:(Blush)... Uhh.. Johnny.. since we have cute little girl at our side??...

Johnny Joestar:(Blush) yeah you are right.. even though she is cute.. but still we couldn't think that she is harmless..I guess she could be enemy...

Gyro Zeppeli:You got a point,we couldn't be let our guard down just bc of little cute girl...

Medicine Melancholy:Grrr.. you think I don't know you two for what are you talking about huh? I am not enemy and also I am not little girl!!

Gyro Zeppeli and Johnny Joestar got starled by how Medicine Melancholy could hear them

Gyro Zeppeli:Ehh... forget about that if you are not enemy then where is Jackson?

Medicine Melancholy:That idiot are going with handsome boy to get some water

Gyro Zeppeli:Handsome boy? I wonder who is it..

Johnny Joestar:Gyro.. Jackson is over there with other guy but he seem are attractive..

Gyro Zeppeli turn his head to direction that Johnny Joestar point of and it was JacksonLim with attractive young man named as Alex Yoshikage

JacksonLim:Hey you two are finally awake.. I brought some water.. do you guys want some?

Gyro Zeppeli:Jackson.. who is that guy on your side?

Johnny Joestar:He seem like popular among of the girls

Jackson:Oh.. don't worry he is harmless and he is my best friend since childhood...

Alex Yoshikage:Hi.. my name is Alex Yoshikage and I know Jackson since our childhood, my motive is to get back our world..

Gyro Zeppeli:World?? Are you on different universe?

Johnny Joestar:Are you joking? how is that possible for someone from other universe at another universe??

Alex Yoshikage:(Sigh) you may not believe me..but it is ok.. bc many people will think that it is joke so it is normal...

Gyro Zeppeli:But I am curious about your world looks like...

Alex Yoshikage:To be honest,the blonde little girl and Jackson are also from that world... and in our world, you can imagine how fantasy is it, assume it is magical world

Gyro Zeppeli:(Surprise expression) Woah magical world!!.. Sound kinda fun to go with it...

Alex Yoshikage:It is not fun as you are imagine..our world not only human race live but also alot of race that live together such as youkai, tengu and vampire...

Johnny Joestar:Huh? what is youkai and what is tengu?? we only know vanpire...

Alex Yoshikage:Youkai and tengu quite smilliar to vampire that has inhuman ablity but the different is youkai and tengu can live under the sun..

Gyro Zeppeli:So it mean monster isn't??

Alex Yoshikage:Kinda yes.. but different than monster...

JacksonLim:You have alot of knowledge about genskoyo than me.. you are really bookworm hahaha!!

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