~Just the start of something new~

77 2 11

This will be cringe because I don't have much experience with writing my own stories also it might have cuss words
No pov
It's a normal day for most contestants.
Currently Blocky, Taco, and Woody are at a tree.
Woody is asleep laying his head on the tree while Taco is talking to Blocky asking him to never do harmful pranks.

Taco: "Blocky I think all this pranking stuff is a bit.... How do I say it... Violent.. The prank you did last week set a house on fire! At least calm down the pranks. "

Blocky just rolls his eyes and says
"Okay then.. I guess. Don't expect me not to use old recovery centers though. "
Taco nods.

Soon woody wakes up.
Wood's pov

I then soon wake up.. I am slightly still tired probably from not being able to sleep.

I see Taco and Blocky talking. Blocky seems bored.. I wonder why he's not pranking right now he normally does pranks when he's bored or something like that..

Taco then looks at me and waves.
I'm not really good at speaking so I normally just speak in my head, which nobody can hear obviously. I've been wondering since I woke up, how long was I asleep for?
I then speak.

"Houw lwong wa I sleep fowr?"

Gosh I need to learn how to speak correctly.

Blocky: "Oh..You were sleeping for about an hour."

Huh.. A hour... No pranks.. Did Taco convince Blocky not to prank a lot or did Blocky choose to.
I'll just ask Blocky later.

Actually maybe someone can help with my speeching thing. IDEA! Ask Blocky to help with my speeching thing then ask him about the pranking thing or whatever is going on.

Later (Blocky's pov now)

It was evening.. I was really bored at this point.... Hmm maybe... Throw Gelatin into the water... No Taco said nothing violent... But should I really listen to her, she's not my mom but she has been acting like one since bfb 17. I think it's annoying.

I look in the distance and see woody running towards me.. What does he need?

Woody: *out of breath* "B-ocky will you heulp wiw mah speek..? "

Huh? He needs help with his speech problem I think. Why ask me? I'm bored so I really don't give a crap right now.

"Uh.. Okay I guess I'm bored as hell so... Sure.."

Woody: *wide smile*

Uhh how do I help him with this.... Uhh

Later (bc I'm lazy af)

I finally taught him how to speak properly... What time is it?
I pull out my phone.

Ok Blocky why the hell are you-

I feel something hugging me...


Woody: "Thank you for helping me speak better!!"

I literally never had a hug before what is this... Uhm what do I do? Uh..

I hug him back.

Blocky you dumbass... Well I guess this feels okay.. I'm really tired.....
I feel my eyes shut....... And I drift asleep..

Where am I.....

Wake up
Wake up
Blocky are you asleep...?
I wake up in the grass and see Woody...

Woody: "Yay you're awake!... Did you pass out or fall asleep..? Oh wait aren't those the same thing.. Anyways get up sleepy head.. ACK A BEE... Oh it's a fly..Anyways, get up."

Geeze never saw Woody talk so much before it's kinda... C..... What the fuck Blocky... Ugh I'm just gonna get through this day  looking for something fun to do...
I hope this wasn't boring for anyone..
Skjshshshhdhdhhdhdhshhs. Anygaes I hope y'all have a great night or day☺.

*~Nothing to be Afraid of~*(woodblock story) bfdi/bfbWhere stories live. Discover now