6. Who? (Part One)

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(Amir's POV)

I gave Mom a big hug from behind while she was cooking in the kitchen. It was weird to see her home so early—like seven o'clock, according to the clock on the wall.

"You woke up early today," she replied, her full focus on the cooking. The aroma of dosa filled the air, making my taste buds active.

"I was so bored. All I do these days is watch cartoons with Farah." I was standing next to her, hoping to learn.

"Can you show me how to make these?" I was seriously so bored, even Instagram was boring. Same old stuff on there. My notifications and DMs were blowing up, however, it was the usual content.

After making dosas, I helped in making chai. The breakfast was now finished and ready to be enjoyed.

"So, how was New York? Did you have a great time with your friends?" She sat across from me. She seemed to be invested in what I was going to tell her about work, which she inquired about rarely.

"New York was awesome. The conference was all about posting content and stuff like that." I chomped on the dosa and kept going. "My buddies – had a blast hanging out with them. Can't believe we won't see each other again until after the holiday."

At least she didn't ask about dad's wellbeing.

She nodded, sipping her drink. Was she impressed or not? It was hard to tell from her face. It's been like that since I arrived on earth. Maybe she acts differently with her clients at work?

"Hey Mom, I was thinking of coming with you to work today," I suddenly said. I just felt like it. "I don't really have anything else to do." Then I remembered the girl I gave that book to a few days ago. The book that was my only source of fun.

"Are you sure? I have so many clients today. My schedule is hectic."

"Absolutely, I am willing to assist. It will also serve as a valuable learning opportunity. I assure you, I will treat your clients with kindness and respect."

Admittedly, not all of my words were sincere. Nevertheless.

I eagerly anticipated her next words as she wore a smile on her face. "You can join me," she said. "But only for my first client. Farah can't be left alone for too long."

"Come on, Mom. Don't treat her like a baby when she's literally turning twelve years old. She knows where everything is." What I was trying to say is, six years have passed since I was that age.

"Tell me about this first client of yours." My hands gripped the steering wheel as I drove. My mother's client lived in a neighborhood five houses away and across from where we lived.

Eventually, I arrived at the house my mother had mentioned. She had also mentioned that I would come to understand her client's condition on my own. I was curious as to why she had said that.

As we neared the opulent house, I positioned my sunglasses on my nose. With Mom's hands full of therapy equipment, I proceeded to knock on the door.

The person who opened the door was a family member or friend of the patient. I couldn't quite discern. However, she greeted us with a beaming smile and invited us in.

"Are you Dr. Jain, my cousin's physiotherapist? You're right on schedule," she said, shifting her focus to me. There was something about her that felt familiar. It dawned on me that I may have seen her last week in New York. Perhaps I had confused her with someone else.

She then excused herself to go summon her cousin. Mom took the equipment to a certain room on the ground floor of the mansion. 

I felt a strong desire to learn more about her client, but my phone suddenly vibrated. I went to the opposite side of the living room to take the call.


The section about observing Mom at work had to be canceled.

(Beatrix's POV)

I was dying to find out who went with Dr. Sanaya, 'cause she usually came by herself. And Mila was taking forever at the door.

I stood up from the chair, filled with anticipation to discover who my physiotherapist had brought with them. Just then, I heard approaching footsteps in the direction of the PT room. Mila entered the kitchen, hoping to go with me on my walk.

"Who came?" I whisper-shouted to her.

"Your physiotherapist. Or were you expecting someone else?"

"No. I mean, the extra pair of-"

I heard a phone ring and it stopped me from talking. We left the kitchen and a smooth voice answered the call. I looked towards the living room, where I thought he'd be. It sounded like the same guy I met a few days ago.

I didn't see anyone on the couch. When I wanted to investigate some more, Mila nudged and told me that it was just Dr. Sanaya's son.

"Loca, you're going to delay her. She has a busy schedule. I'm sure you'll see him again after she's done with you." She scolded me when I wanted to take a look at who it was.

- -

I departed before Dr. Sanaya's completion of gathering the therapy materials. I was eager to learn more about him, as I had heard that he was her offspring. At the moment, I was unaware of Mila's whereabouts.

I was eager to form a new friendship with someone who was unaware of my past. A fresh face. Someone who could jog my memory.

The sound of forceful typing filled the dining room, indicating the person responsible was filled with anger. Curiously, I followed the sound and found the source to be the boy. His irresistible charm left me speechless, in a good way. He was truly divine in appearance and lived up to all expectations.

It's not until I sit next to him and chat that he notices me. "Hey, what are you up to?"

"Nothing important." He quickly shut the screen before making eye contact with me. His olive-green eyes were oddly familiar.

It can't be him, can it?

I ditched those thoughts and just tried to kickstart the convo. Gotta make a good impression or I won't make a new bud.

"Are you sure? It seemed like you wanted to break your keyboard."

He laughed a bit. "I'm pretty quick at typing, I suppose."

Silence enveloped us for a minute.

"You must be my mom's umm... client."

"And you're my PT's son."

Oh God, why didn't I respond with a more insightful answer?

"By the way, my name is Beatrix."


His mother entered the room, appearing frustrated.

"Rinku, I'm sorry, but you won't be able to join me for the next appointment. I need to hurry; it's an urgent matter. I hope you can understand." She uttered the words quickly, then made her way to the door.

I did not know the name of her son, but he followed to help her with carrying it. He appeared both compassionate and enigmatic.

I'm drawn in.

I was taken aback by his return to the house.

A/N: Who do you think was calling Amir? 🤔

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