7. Manipulate (pt.2)

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The sound of a car engine reverberated from outside. I assumed it was Dr. Sanaya's car. I was puzzled by his return. Thought he'd follow her. Part of me wanted to watch his next move, while part of me wanted to talk some more. I think you know which one won.

"So, your name is Rinku?" My hand supported my head as I watched him return to where he sat originally.

"Well, you can call me that."

Unique and exotic name.

"Okay. Nice to meet you, Rinku." I stretched out my hand for him to shake. His hand was warm and his fingers were soft. This reminded me of the ordeal at the mall with that dude. I displayed a wide grin on my face then our fingers parted.

He didn't return to his seat though. I also noticed he laid his hands on the cover of the laptop. He didn't look okay even though his ecstatic tone said otherwise. We had small talk before he claimed he had to go home and take care of some stuff.

"How exactly will you get back? Didn't your Mom leave with the car? Maybe she'll pick you up later in the evening?" I decided not to inquire about what he was going through. I didn't want anything to interfere with this new found friendship.

"We live nearby. It's just some distance away." He swooped his laptop, carrying it one handedly.

My lips made a slight pout when I realized he wanted to go. Just when we got to meet and interact a little.

"I'll try to visit again tomorrow," he said with a soothing voice. There was a concerned twinkle in his eyes. "For now, I have to dash. Pleasure to meet you."

I wished that I could see him off but of course, that would have delayed him. The sound of the door clicking behind him followed. A sense of loneliness evaded me once more.

Some moments later, Mila came from upstairs. She asked me if the two of us interacted. I told her that he just got something to do afterwards, otherwise he'd have stayed.

"Are you sure you didn't scare him? Maybe that's the reason he left."

I shot a glare at her, to which she just smirked. "I'm telling you, we had a pretty good convo. He promised to come back tomorrow."

"As you say, loca. Do you wanna watch a movie?"


It was her. The girl from the mall. My mom's client. Likewise, she might've recognized me. My eyes and voice told it all.


Shame we didn't get to talk much. I didn't want to continue. My mood wouldn't allow me to. My apprehension was lashing out at her. Anger had overwhelmed me at that moment.

All that ringed in my mind was that bastard's fucking voice from the phone call. Apparently, he had woken up from his somewhat comatose state. He was slightly better than how I last heard.

I wished Steph was the one who answered.

A/N: From here to below is a flashback

The phone ID read Stephanie. Obviously it was news regarding the man's condition.

"Hello?" I repeated, wondering why she didn't respond immediately. Already, instincts were telling me that it was just terrible news. Something about him dying or being in a critical state that is incurable.

I heard some voices from the other line. "No babe, hand me the phone. I want to...talk to him."

Well isn't that lovely. I can't wait for this call to come to an end.

"Okay," Stephanie said in barely a whisper.

My stomach churned as I braced myself for the worst.

"Hey son. How are you? Did you.. tell them about me?" His voice was husky. It was evident he was suffering from a sore throat.

"What do you want?" I stared at the porch, gritting my teeth in anger.

"Still feisty, like your Mom." He let out a laugh followed by a long cough.

"Listen, I have other things to tend to. I don't want to waste my time listening to your mockery!" I realized I was nearly shouting, but then I lowered my tone. I couldn't have a meltdown in someone else's residence. "Either you stop beating around the bush or I hang up now!"

"I need money. You know I'm not fully recovered, so money for th-"

"You have a job, right?''

He gave an excuse of not receiving his paycheck until the end of the month. He claimed to have gotten some financial aid from Stephanie, but that wasn't enough.

There was a high chance he'd use the some of the money to engage in drinking. That's what he did with the money I'd send, most of the times. There was this one time Tyler had gotten sick. It was the same situation, Steph didn't pick up the phone but instead it was him. Steph had been laid off from her job at that time and so she was kind of in a sticky situation. Acting as a good step brother, I sent them money with the phrase, why wouldn't I? These went on and on, at least monthly until at some point I got suspicious. I got to discover that the man is one good deceiver. Everything was a lovely patchwork of fabricated lies!

"Well, boohoo 'cause I'm not sending you a single penny!"

The line went silent for a minute.

His voice grew chillier and manipulative. "Amir, you do know that I made it possible for you to be where you are today. If it weren't for me, you, Farah and Sanaya would be living in good old Britain with your grandparents. You wouldn't have made it to the US anyways. No one would recognize you the fuck you are. You'd be just an ordinary kid, with a normal boring life. Be real with me, who would want to mirror that kinda life? But I...I made you stand out of that standard and look at you now! Literally everybody wants to be like Amir Ashraf! Everyone admires you!"

Cold chills ran down my spine.

"But it seems like you don't appreciate this opportunity my boy. Remember, nothing ever lasts forever. You saw what came of you and that girl, didn't you?"

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