8. Hangout (pt.3, last part)

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A/N: By the time you're reading this, I'm already at school. Expect slow updates. Anyways, enjoy.

He had crossed the line truly. Reminding me of my unsuccessful past relationship. He really knew how to play these cards. There was no more resistance; I couldn't decline at this point.

"Fine. I'll make a transaction. But I'm begging you, never talk shit of my family or of the choices I made in the past." My breathing was hazy. My eyes were shut as I tried to clear my head space.

I hung up.


My fingers dashed on the keyboard as I carried on with the money transfer. It was ready to be sent to the intended account. Better that he didn't specify the amount. I sent 15 grand.

After that, I fed George, our remaining comet goldfish. Farah must have been accountable for the deaths of the other two; not intentionally though. Serafin died last year. Ron followed suit some days back. Mom was strict with the fish being taken care of; all rules were adhered to. Their demises still remain a mystery.

I sat next to Farah, willing to watch whatever movie she had in mind. She glanced at me in amazement and agreed. At least she had selected a different animation movie this time.

"Great. Something dealing with fish," I deadpanned as she clicked on Finding Nemo.

"It's really good, you'll see!"

I let my tense muscles relax as I put my focus on the movie. My mood was much better than earlier. As long as I played that game well, he won't be a disturbance to me or to my family. Neither will he send my reputation to the dirt, only if I give him what he wants.

Memories like these lingered in my mind. Times we'd watch movies as a complete family. When I enjoyed watching such films and cartoons. Those were the good times.

The man who was once head of our family, recreates those moments elsewhere. With a wife and a child. You follow what you're heart wants. You can't control yourself. We were doing better without him anyway. I just couldn't cut him off completely. I still needed him as much as my sister did. I feared what would come of us if I made that decision.

I realized I had fallen asleep halfway the movie when Farah shook me from my slumber. It was 6:00 p.m. According to her, I had slept through two movies she had chosen.

She burst in laughter, while watching me sit upright.

"What? What do you find funny?"

She continued laughing like a crazy person. "You might want to get a mirror to see how you look." Immediately, she hands me a hand mirror.

"What the..." I had all sorts of makeup on my face. If anyone had seen what she did to my face, they'd think I was a clown.

I shot up, wanting to attack her, but she quickly moved away from me. Oblivious to me, she had already taken a picture of me; the flash clicked.

"How dare you?!" Anger courses through my veins as I chased her around the house. We ran all the way till the stairs. She climbed up some steps, a mischievous grin on her face. The phone she had in her hands was mine.

"Don't come any closer or I'll drop it!" She was still laughing while I stood there, looking like a damsel in distress.

"Gimme it or I'll tell Mom you've used her makeup on me!" I pointed a finger at her to seem warnful and serious about the matter. She wouldn't budge. I had an idea. I went to the couch and picked up her valuable possession.

I smirked as I watched her smile turn into a frown. Nothing is as sweet as revenge.

"Get your hands off her, Amir!" It was an AG doll that she was referring to. I held it by the neck threatening to pull its head off. "Please Amir. I'll give you back your phone."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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