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Fantasies are soothing for those who are enwrapped by loneliness.
It's an aesthetic which the mind could see and savour of its gorgeousness.
All sorrows go fleetingly in a moment of time,
But dishearteningly, It's just an escape none can entwine.

There is no land other than it where dreams can easily be refined,
From cobwebs of hopelessness to resilience defined.

In the deepest of depths,
Darkest of fears,
Hollowest of soul,
The most positive of thoughts,
Just from a little spark,
One's self-esteem could be charged,
brimming with boldness recharged.

An overthinker thinks longer,
But with lightful thoughts they can make their being glow brighter,
Not depressing or menacing,
Not visitation of dreads but hopefulness dressed.

For this reason, all humans have control over their minds.
Their happiness is dependent on their kind of thoughts.
Not all sadnesss is caused by another,
This, I will say further,
Some people just allow negativity to wander.

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