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Here I am again, lonely.
Sadness wears on my face.
It's supposed to be a special day,
But to me, it's just another lonely day.

The atmosphere is devoid of joy and laughter,
No wishes, no teasing, no voices, no playing after.
And here I am with a bird to keep me company as I deeply ponder.

Balloons, candles, and a cake are present,
But love is not present.
Only loneliness and sadness are present.
The bird's presence doesn't even suffice a bit;
It can't even make a little portion of me lit.

I'm supposed to be celebrating this moment,
But the atmosphere has proven impotent.
Part of it could be my mood,
But the reality is that my loved ones are no longer present to celebrate with me as they should.
If they were present, this day would have been fun,
But, dishearteningly, they're all gone.

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