I Want A Tiny Cottage

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Amidst fields wide, where wildflowers roam,
In a quaint cottage, I'll make my home.
With skies as my ceiling, earth as my floor,
I'll find peace in simplicity, forevermore.

In my cottage, a garden blooms wide, Each flower finds its place, side by side. Petals dance in the sun's warm embrace, Nature's palette, a vibrant grace.

In tranquil embrace, a cottage snugly sits,
By a pond's edge, where nature's charm flits.
Water gleams, a mirror for sky's wink,
Welcoming creatures for a sip, a link.

In the shade of trees, by the cottage fair,
A swing awaits, to lift in the air.
To sway and glide, with memories free,
In that moment, a child's glee.

In the quiet shade of the weeping willow's grace,
A room with a window, a tranquil space.
Through panes, I watch as you sow seeds anew,
In fields of wildflowers, colors so true.

In my cottage, a library serene,
Opens into a cozy scene.
Books whisper tales, soft perfume,
A tranquil retreat, my perfect room.

You ask for more, and I confess,
Beside you, each morning, I wish to caress.
Together we'll walk, as dawn breaks through,
With each step, our love anew.

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