Me & My Dog

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In the midst of Alexa's breakdown, she couldn't pinpoint the moment they had all laid down, yet now she found her head resting on the pillow. Her eyes had since run dry, the only reminiscence of her distress being her slightly runny nose, along with a slight burning on her cheeks.

She couldn't remember what had happened for the most part, she merely remembered crying until she wasn't anymore. In the background, there had been Daisy and Lottie reassuring her, but the words left her ears as quickly as they entered them.

Listening to the steady heartbeat of the brunette, Alexa breathed in and out, continually repeating the mantra of 'in and out' to herself.

She was encased from either side, Daisy pressed against her front, whilst Lottie was wrapped around from behind her. Alexa was thankful for her hidden face, given the tinge of embarrassment she felt, how she had let herself slip to that point, going past a point of no return.

There was no taking back her words,  no 'I didn't mean it's', she had confessed her sins.

Yet it felt nice, it felt wonderful to finally let out the heaviness that had been weighing on her chest. It was alike a transition from murky to clean water, what had once been tainted, was now purified, ready for consumption.

"I don't wanna talk about it." Alexa muttered, at least for right now. She had slept less than an hours prior, and still her breakdown had taken all of her energy.

"Alexa." Lottie attempts to reason.

The girl let out a small sigh, "yet." She began, "I don't want to talk about it yet." Alexa corrected herself. Silence prevailed in the room, none of the women opting to challenge the girl, which she was thankful for. Alexa pressed herself against Daisy, enjoying the women's comfort.

With the women's close proximity, she suddenly became aware of something- she felt sweaty. Alexa grimaced, feeling disgusting and gross, the heat in her face didn't help this feeling.

"I feel icky." She muttered into Daisy's neck, her words being incoherent. Daisy pulled back slightly, giving the girl room to move her head. Alexa shifted her head, "my body feels gross." She explained. Alexa furrowed her brows when Lottie reached over to place her hand on the girls forehead, retracting a moment later.

"You don't feel warm." Lottie mused, "do you feel sick?"

Realisation reached the girl, she shook her head, "I'm not sick, I just feel hot and gross." She informed the woman.

Taking her arm off the girl, Lottie sat up in the bed. "I'll go run you a bath, sweetie." She told her, however Alexa shook her head, frowning.

"Can I have a shower?" Alexa questioned, "please, mama?"

"Of course, come on, we'll get you all clean." Lottie obliged, standing up from the bed. She extended her hand for Alexa to help pull herself up with, however the girl remained lax in the bed.

Alexa looked at the hand in front of her, "can I shower alone?". Maybe she thought she'd have some pity points, or perhaps she merely wanted to take her chances, she guaranteed that she'd be told no however.

Lottie and Daisy exchanged a glance, Lottie nodded after a moment, she let a breath out. "The door stays unlocked, okay?", Alexa's lips pulled into a small smile, finally taking the hand in front of her, shuffling to the other side of the bed. It almost made her breakdown worth it, almost but not quite.

"I'll go make a late lunch." Daisy interceded, following suit in getting off the bed. Alexa hadn't even realised what time it was, she assumed it would be much later- if anything. She did notice a slight emptiness in her stomach however, with her newfound state of calmness.

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