Chapter 54: Healing

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Tate found himself outside the small motel that was a mile out from the hospital. He knocked and waited. When the door yanked open, he found himself face to face with Kacey. They were wearing a hoodie with the hood pulled up. Their hood hid most of their face, but Tate could still remember what they looked like even years later.

"Thanks for waiting a few more days."

Kacey leaned against the door frame and shrugged. "How are they?"

"Levi heard about his friend. Micheal will be fine in a few days. I think Cain is in shock still." A small smile appeared, and Tate raised a brow. "What?"

"Nothing. The forest is back to normal?"


Kacey gave a hum before grabbing Tate by the front of his coat and dragging him into the room.

Tate let out a laugh. "I can walk." Then, the door quickly shut, cutting off the rest of his words.


Levi stared at the silent TV in the corner, the images not registering. His mind was spinning, but he couldn't pull himself together enough to care. The night before, he had woken up with a scream bitten back, and sweat coating his skin. He wanted to sit up. Check the room, but his body ached and refused to let him move fast enough to sit up. So he stared at the ceiling, trying to bite back the panic.

Turning his head, he had found his mom asleep, The exhaustion evident on her face, and in the way she was able to sleep soundly in the chair next to him. When he looked over at the couch, he found Laik watching him. He half expected to see pity or sympathy, instead he was calm. His gaze was steady.

"Go back to sleep, Levi."

But no matter how hard he tried, all he could do was stare at the ceiling. Fear kept him from closing his eyes. He didn't want to find himself back in those mines.



"Any way you can bring me that stuff I asked you to hide?"

There was a beat of silence that had Levi looking over at Laik. "Alright. Tomorrow. Try to sleep."

Levi looked back at the ceiling, "I'm scared."

There was a sound, and Levi looked over to find Laik standing up and moving over to the hospital bed. "Give me your hand."


Laik wiggled his fingers. Levi rolled his eyes and placed his less injured hand into Laik's hand. "Don't understand..." His voice trailed off as Laik sat Levi's lost pocket knife into his hand. "What?"

"Someone found it in the woods. I noticed it was yours."

Levi curled his fingers around the blade. He looked up at Laik with wide eyes. Echo had mentioned losing it. "Thanks." He rubbed his thumb over the side of the pocket knife. "How did you get it in the hospital?"

The corner of his mouth tipped up in a smirk. He shrugged his shoulders, "Secret."

Levi looked over at Echo, curled up on one of the hospital chairs. "How bad was Echo when they found him?"

Laik looked down at Echo, who was letting out soft snoring sounds. "His arm was almost fully removed. Bryce did a hell of a job making sure the limb stayed attached."

"I just hope his healing started to speed up."

Laik shrugged as he looked back at Levi. "Get some sleep."

Levi held onto the pocket knife as he looked back at the ceiling. "I'll try." He didn't expect the hand that softly patted his clenched hand. When Laik walked back to the couch, he let out a slow breath before closing his eyes. He could try.

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