Chapter 40: Inexperienced

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Ben's POV:

I sat at the kitchen table, staring at the wall as I tried to process what happened with Sophia last night. Today, she was out looking for territories with people from her pack and I couldn't get the image of her mouth around...

I closed my eyes and tried to not let it consume me. Part of me felt guilty but thinking about it made me want to feel it again. I could not sort it out in my head and that wasn't even the whole problem. The problem was Tess was throwing a dinner for them to celebrate and I didn't know how to act around Sophia. Did she expect me to act the same or different? If I was supposed to act different, what did different even mean?

"You good?" Hunter asked as he walked by me towards the fridge.

Hunter hooked up with girls all the time. I could talk to him but what would I say?

He plopped down next to me and opened a bottle of juice. "Ben?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he lifted the bottle and took a drink.

"Sophia gave me a blowjob last night."

It came out too fast and awkward. I winced and dropped my forehead to the table. That wasn't how that was supposed to come out.

Hunter choked on his juice and took a moment to compose himself. "Uh... Awesome."

I nodded because I didn't know what to say. Awesome seemed like an understatement. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I'd heard guys say blow jobs were amazing but... I slowly lifted my head and stared down at the table, trying to think unattractive thoughts or that tent in my short was going to be noticeable.

"So..." Hunter tapped his fingers against the bottle. "How was it?"

"I mean..." I cleared my throat. "It was... Pretty amazing. I get why you talk about it so much now."

He chuckled. "Well, no shit. Did you return the favor?"

My lips pulled down. "Return the favor?"

"Yeah, you know, she went down on you, so you..." He waved his hand around in a circle. "You know, reciprocate."

My eyes widened. I didn't even think of that and the fact I didn't made me feel selfish. Shit.

"Fuck." I chewed on my lip. "I mean... I should have, right?"

His attempts to hide the amused smile failed. "I bet she would've appreciated it."

"Don't." I dropped my head in my hands. "I don't know what I'm doing."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry." He patted my back. "Look man, it's fine. Just return the favor tonight. Not a big deal. Are you guys... A thing?"

"I don't know." I peeked over at him. "I don't know anything. She just kind of... Went for it. And then left. So... There wasn't a lot of communication."

I was too in shock at the time to react, but after she kissed me, she just turned and walked away. That was it. She was around people for the rest of the night and I tried not to look at her too much or my dick would give my thoughts away.

Hunter raised an eyebrow. "That sounds hot. Well... I mean, you can talk to her tonight. Do you want to be with her?"

"I mean... That's what I'm working towards. We have a date Saturday."

"You have a date?" His eyes widened. "You have a date?"

I avoided his eyes. "Please, don't make it a thing."

"Feeling guilty?"

I sighed. I wished I didn't. The guilt was something I was working through with Alana but I still had a ways to go. "I'm trying not to."

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