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When our eyes met
I can't help
I felt magnetic by you
My eyes kept wandering
From where you are seated

When our eyes met
We were lined up
In a cafeteria
I was behind you
You gave up your spot
So I could go first

When our eyes met
You were sipping on your favourite drink
And I watched your adams apple
You caught me watching
We locked eyes
Then you look away

When our eyes met
I knew
That we have something
You were aware of me
As I to you

I knew you liked me
As much as I liked you
Until I realized
I was so focused
On the little things you do
And thought it was all about me
When in fact
It's all in my head

When our eyes met
I knew
They were just normal greetings
I knew
It was all my delusions

Mia Bella

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