chapter 30

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When Huo Huaian thought of that scene, he immediately felt that it was so good and wonderful.

Huo Chen should rot in the smelly mud like that, stinking and rotting, instead of like now, the rich and powerful Mr. Huo is sitting in this office that belongs to him, being held up and flattered by countless people .

He doesn't deserve it, how can he deserve it?

Huo Huaian still remembers some things very clearly. At that time, his grandfather loved him a hundred times a thousand times because of the accidental death of his parents. He only had to say whatever he wanted, and his grandfather would satisfy him.

And his brother-in-law Huo Chen was already in junior high school at the time. Because his grandfather hated Huo Chen's mother, he also hated Huo Chen. He was too lazy to see him, so he directly ordered his secretary to arrange a house next to the school and let a nanny take care of Huo Chen. , I go back to Huo’s house at most once a month.

So even though he has no parents, he still lives a very good life and has everything he wants. As for Huo Chen, his mother abused him when she was still alive, and even almost killed him several times. She didn't look like mother and son at all, but more like enemies.

Grandpa doesn't regard him as his son, but because he has the blood of the Huo family and Huo Chen's mother is dead. For the sake of reputation, grandpa is more generous in food and clothing.

It’s almost like raising a dog, Huo Chen.

No, the dog owner still likes him anyway, but Huo Chen, grandpa, the owner of the Huo family, doesn't like him at all. Therefore, Huo Chen is actually worse than a dog in the Huo family.

Ever since Huo Huaian could remember, he had often heard his grandfather say that Huo's family would belong to his father from now on, but it would only be his father's and would not be given to Huo Chen. When his father gets old, it will be his.

He heard these words over and over again, and his memory was particularly profound.

After his parents died, his grandfather's words changed to say that the Huo family belonged to him and he alone. Huo Huaian heard this from childhood and felt the same way, the Huo family belonged to him.

But when the Huo family was in crisis, he was only nineteen years old and had just entered college. Huo's shareholders, not even his grandfather, put him into consideration. Huo Chen was their last choice. Facts have proved that Huo Chen was also the best choice. He saved Huo's crisis.

From then on, Huo Chen, a lunatic with mental problems, became what people called Mr. Huo.

At first, those who knew about his mental condition were worried, but Huo Chen slapped them in the face with his strength. Even if he was a madman and mentally ill, he was still a madman with great intelligence and business acumen.

Huo Huaian even heard someone say several times that the Huo family would definitely be more glorious than before in the hands of Huo Chen, and that Mr. Huo really gave birth to a good son.

Even though Huo Huai'an knew that Mr. Huo was letting Huo Chen manage the Huo family now, he was just letting him act like a cow and a horse, letting him guard the Huo family for himself, but Huo Chen was so powerful that he couldn't help but be afraid, that kind of worrying about gains and losses. The sense of crisis is getting heavier and heavier.

After losing his parents, Mr. Huo was the only life-saving straw that Huo Huaian could grasp. It was also the big tree that could guarantee him a good life and let him cling to the tree that sucked blood until he died.

But the old man gave Huo Chen 15% of the shares and arranged a marriage party like the Lin family for him. Huo Huaian believed that the old man would not hand over the Huo family to Huo Chen. However, if Huo Chen was strong enough to not be controlled by the old man, with the help of He has completely controlled the Huo family with his own abilities.

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