Disembarking on thriller bark!

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A/N: I'm going to skip a ton of this Arc btw.

Nami: wait a sec! This isn't showing up in the log pose.

Brook: that's hardly surprising. This island came from the West blue.

Y/N: West blue?

Brook: Yes. Goodness, This truly is my lucky day! Not only have I run into people, but my heart felt dream has also come true! It made me so very happy to meet you today! I will never forget that scrumptious meal! Well, take care! May we have the fortune to meet on other waters!  He leaps off the ship into the waters.

Sanji: isn't he a power holder?

Ussop: why on Earth did he jump into the water?!

Brooke ran across the water I want to throw their mark disappearing in the thick fog.

Nami: I have no idea what's going on, but this island is clearly nothing but trouble.

Luffy: huh? Did you say something?

Ussop: what's the deal with this ghost island?

Chopper: hey, where did that ghost go?

Zoro: probably flew back towards the island.

Robin: hey, but that large trimmer we filled a minute ago the mouth like gate caused it when it shut, I think that it essentially devoured us. It's hard to see through the fall, but the fence extending from the gate appears to compass the island. In other words, our ship is completely trapped inside a fence that's around the island.

Ussop: I get! So that's why the skeleton told us to escape ASAP!

Nami: does that mean someone is making this island "wander" the seas?

Franky: is the island is moving, we're still in the middle of the ocean. We can't drop the anchor here.

Ussop: well, they are! Why do I get the feeling you want to stay here?!

Nami: listen, guys. I've come down with Fear of unknown Island itis.

Y/N: Quit your sobbing, and lets go! There's someone I have to meet on this island. Luffy!

Luffy: okay! Let's take her up to shore!  He had a capture net and a cage around his waist.

Ussop: do you have Setforadventureitis?! Think that over! Luffy, open up your eyes! See that creepy building?! It's a real haunted mansion! You're taking malicious spirits way too lightly.

Luffy: what are you talking about? I'm being super careful! I'm going to catch that goes and keep it as a pet.

Ussop: you're totally underestimating it!

Luffy: above all else, we have to bring back our deer crewmate.

Robin: I got your lunch box.

Sanji: Luffy! Frankie! Y/N. You better be sure to protect Robin.

Franky: there's nothin like exploring and uncharted island, is there?

Nami: you got to be kidding! You're going with them, robin?

Franky: all right! So, guys, we're going to take a boat to disembark, but I still got a special surprise I haven't shown you yet! It's soldier dock system, channel 2! This system is made up of five channels. Zero comes up twice.

Nami: you've already revealed the paddle wheel in zero and the contents in one and three.

Ussop: but as I recall, you said two and four were still empty.

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