Bye bye Holland

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I wake up with the sound of my alarm, i'm really not ready for this day. Like I'm really excited but I just don't wanna miss my family so much. I take my IPhone and unplug it, oh my god, Lila my bestfriend texted me like 25 times about how excited she is. I laugh she's always so happy, and finds luck in everything it's kinda cute.

I get up and walk to my shower, try to relax. Today is the big day, I'm excited but also worried. I play some music from my fav band, One Direction. I take off my pyjama's and step in the shower. The shower is amazing, this is like reason 2648235 why I love showering. I sing along with No Control and relive my memories of the concert last week. It was amazing.

'JILL HURRY WE'RE GOING TO THE AIRPORT IN 30' my mom yells. I get snapped out of my thoughts by her. 'Sure mom.' I yell back. I quicky step out of the shower and change in shorts and a crop top. It's so hot, jesus. I walk downstairs and kiss my mom.

'Hi sweetheart' she says with her caring voice. God I'm gonna miss her so much. I grab some cereal and a sandwich.

I finish my food and go grab my suitcase, my bag and my Phone. I quickly check on my brother who is still asleep. I press a kiss on his forehead. He'd kill me if he found out I actually kissed him. These past years, he's been the brother everyone could wish for and yes we fight but mostly about nothing.

I grab the rest of my stuff and head down to the car where my mom is already in. I'm so nervous. Lila will be there around the same time we get there. She's also nervous. Lila has been my bestfriend since childhood. No matter what we talk about, I always feel comfortable around her. She actually is like a sis to me and I'd be nothing without that idiot.

We arrived oh my god. 'So lets do this gurl...' my mom says. I can see her eyes water and puffy. I quickly pull her into a hug and say it's all gonna be alright. She holds my head between her head and kisses my cheeks. 'Well I'll still miss my little girl.' she says and I chuckle.

'JILL COME OVER, HERE!!' I hear a familiar voice yell. I see my happy friend Lila jumping around and waving. I take my mom and finish everthing that has to be done before we can get on the plane.

We walk to Lila and I pull her into a big hug. 'I AM SO EXCITED OMG.' She yells and we scream together. We're gonna have so much fun.

We check the bord to see what gate we need. Gate 5 so that's on the right. We say bye's to our fam and leave. I wave one more time to my mom before we head to the plane. THIS IS GONNA BE SO GOOD!!

{this was a short one sorry guys, ily lots xx}

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