Smiling Critters Mini Story: The Hour of Joy (part 4)

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Player's (Poppy's Angel) Pov:

We are now currently at the Gas Production Zone, I can see why Dogday is so nervous about coming here since this place looks terrifying like it's straight out from a horror movie or a horror game.

The phone begans to ring again as I put it in front of my right ear and Ollie says "Okay now that you are here you need to press that big red button that is on the machine so that the red smoke can go from right to left. The machine will probably have a few dumb safeguards for you to work around, but I think you can do it. I'll call you once it's done" he says to me as he ends the call again.

"Wow this place is so big" I said out loud as I looked around while both Dogday and Bobby were looking around with a nervous expression and Dogday was holding Catnap's hand.

Before I decided to press the button I wanted to look around first, I ended finding a new grabpack hand upgrade which allows me to jump higher without getting badly injured and in another room I found a cardboard cutout of Catnap with a button that said press here like the other cardboard cutout that I saw earlier. Cool maybe there's a cardboard cutout of each of the Smiling Critters all over the Playcare.

"Hey Catnap look it's you!" I said excitingly while pointing at the cardboard cutout as I looked towards the giant purple feline but he looks away with a uninterested expression on his face like if he didn't care.

"Hey I remember that day, the company wanted us to do some voice lines as part of the promotion for our merchandise and brand since they wanted the kids to like us and not be frightened by our appearance which did work for all us except for Catnap since they were still terrified of him for a long time" Dogday says as he looks towards me and Catnap was still facing another direction but with a upset expression this time like if what Dogday said made him irritated.

I pressed the button but no voice lines came out of it instead it was just sounds of Catnap snoring and sleeping which is not really that surprising because of his name.

"Yeeaahh.. he was sleeping the whole time while refusing to cooperate but they couldn't do anything about it or else they would get a fatal injury caused by him so they had to work with what they had" Bobby says while looking at me and Catnap was just pouting with his ears down as his tail was flickering.

I can see that he looked annoyed and now he's glaring at me, yep he's definitely ticked off so I tried to change the subject by talking about something else before Catnap ends up attacking me since I can see that this whole conversation made him uncomfortable.

"Hey Dogday I got a question for you, can I hug you? I know it's completely random but I just wanted to know because you look so soft-" I asked him but before I got to finish what I wanted to say he quickly says "Yes! I love hugs!" while grinning and wagging his tail.

He then runs over to me and gave me a big hug which feels nice and I was right his hair and the fur on his ears and paws were so soft plus he smells like vanilla. Thankfully he was careful with me so that he doesn't end up crushing me with his strength and my theory was right they all have a strong scent in their hair and fur. Since Catnap smells like lavender, Dogday smells like vanilla and Bobby smells like roses so that means that the other critters would also smell like calm and relaxing scents which is very interesting.

"Can I have a hug too?" Bobby asks me and I nod my head while saying "Of course!" with a smile on my face which made her very happy as she also gives me a big bear hug while wagging her tail. She so sweet I like her already

"Hey Catnap can I hug you I promise it will be quick" I asked him but he started to hiss at me with his tail, fur and hair puffed up, then he ran away on all fours and Dogday went after him while calling his name. I didn't know he could do that but I shouldn't be so surprised since he is a giant toy that looks and acts like a real cat except for the purple coloring of course.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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