Chapter 21

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The rain had stopped. Max was pacing back and forth in a alley way. He was in his wolf form. Akari and Inara watched him. Akari had her arms crossed.

"You seriously had to do that?", Akari asked. Max stopped and glared at her.

"I was sent here! If it wasn't for him, I would have been in Altron!", Max growled. Akari shrugged. Inara kicked a small rock to her left.

"I still don't get it. How didn't you hear Yuki's mind?", Inara asked. Max sighed and sat down, his tail curled around his paws. "Why would you even fight Nightgazer?"

"Inara, shut up please", Akari growled as she glanced at Inara. Inara lowered her head slightly. She placed her hands behind her back.

"Akari, don't be mean to Inara", Max said as he flickered his tail at Inara. Akari huffed. Max sighed and shook his head. "Look, I need you both to get me Yuki"

"What if she doesn't want to see you after what you did?", Akari asked with a harsh tone. Max growled at her. Akari raised her hands defensively. "I'm just asking"

Max got up on his paws and turned into his human form. He walked to Akari and pointed his index finger at her. "Then tell her I want to talk with her! Is that too hard to think of?!", he yelled. Inara tightened her fists and lunged at him. Max screeched as he was tackled to the ground.w Akari gasped and grabbed Inara from her shoulders.

"Inara!", she called as she pulled Inara to her feet. Inara growled and tried to get free from Akari. Max got up and glared at her. "Inara, please"

"Let me go, Aki!", Inara growled as she kept struggling. Akari holds her arms tightly, not letting go. Max huffed.

"You dare attack me?", Max asked with a cold tone. Inara growled. Max gave her an I-will-kill-you look. Akari finally let go of Inara. Inara huffed and stud next to her, her fists still tight. Max sighed and looked away. "Just bring her"

Akari took Inara's wrist and took her with her, not wanting her to fight with Max. Once they were out of Max's sight, Max roared and punched the wall. His fist had made a hole on the wall. He glared at the wall, slowly moving his fist away. Blood dripped from it. 

I will kill you, Nightgazer. You will feel my wrath, Max thought. He leaned on the opposite wall, his head up and eyes closed. All he could think of was Yuki's shocked expression., the way she looked at him in fear. 

He has been lying to her for years and he promised to never keep secrets from her. He has always feared her finding out his real identity. He couldn't look at her anymore without thinking about what Yuki might do or think. He just couldn't. He and Yuki have been friends since her dad died. Or supposedly died.

You are a waste of time. Gazer is better

Can you shut up? I'm trying to think, Max said.

You should be grateful you have these powers. If it wasn't for me, you would had been a simple human like the others

Why do you even want me to kill Nightgazer? He hasn't done anything wrong, Max said. Growls filled his mind, making him wince and hold his head with one hand. Max sat on the ground, his knees close to his chest. 

"No no no! Stop!", he whispered. He placed his head on his knees. His heart was pounding in his rib cage. "Stop....stop...", he mumbled. His hands started shaking. 

Clearnight stared at Nightgazer with a blank expression. Nightgazer stared at her and sighed.

"Wait, let me get this straight", Clearnight said. She shut her eyes tightly and tapped her forehead. "You're telling me Max is a DarkWolf but doesn't uses his powers and Yuki is half LeafWolf but just discovered it?"

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