Part Forty-Nine: Chapter 397: Feverish

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Jester began coming to with a spinning head. His eyes flutter open, but he's met with pitch black darkness. His hand goes to the surface he's laying on. Cold. Hard. Metal. Then his mind starts to panic. Where was he? Where was his wife?

"Julia?" He calls out but his voice is but a rasp whisper. His throat was so dry. Then he remembered the gas. "Julia??" He says again, this time a little louder. He extends out his other hand and is met with a body. "Julia, baby?" He asks sitting up.

In the dark he feels across her body and finds her head. He then scoots his body over and placed her head in his lap. He cradles her and tries to prompt her to wake. "Julia...come on baby, I need you to wake up."

After several minutes Jester can hear a moan coming from her. She was starting to come to. "J...Jes...where..."

"I don't know where we are," he says, looking around despite knowing that he can see nothing. "I think we're...moving."

Just then a loud horn can be heard blowing. It echoed in whatever environment they were in. "That...sounded like...a ship," Julia says in a dry voice.

"Yeah, it did," Jester agreed. "Do you think we're on a ship? Why's it so dark?"

"Feel around," Julia says as she sits up. Her head is spinning and her stomach turning. "I don't feel so good," she tells her doctor husband.

"Me either, it must be whatever they gassed us with," Jester says getting onto his feet. His tie stumps into something. "There's something here," his hands feel across it. "I think it's a wood crate or something."

Julia gets onto her feet as well her hands go out in front of her and she feels what appears to be a wall. She turns the other way trying to feel around to see if there's another wall. But like Jester, she comes across wooden crates. "See if you can open one of these crates," she says fighting off the urge to vomit.

"Already ahead of you," Jester says as his hands feel around inside of the crate. Cold metal. A long cylinder. "It's guns," he says. "AK-47's I think."

"I think we're inside one of those container things on a ship," Julia swallows and gags a little. The air was stale and cold. "I think I'm gonna throw up Jester," she says bracing herself on the edge of a crate.

"Go ahead, it's the body's natural way to purge something it deems toxic from the body. You might feel better if you do," Jester says, "You want me to hold your hair?"

"No," Julia gags, her hand going to her mouth as she feels her way along in the dark, trying to get as far away as possible before vomiting. "Where do you think we're going?"

"If I had to venture a guess, I'd say the Gotham Harbor," Jester sighs. "Right to Jason."

"He's going to kill us, isn't he?" Julia says, having gone as far away as she could.

"Yeah...I imagine that's his plan," Jester nods. "I wonder if those clowns killed Sasha?" He wonders aloud. But Julia couldn't answer. He could hear her wretching. A pang of guilt beats through his heart for his sister. He's only just found her. He wanted to know her. Jester didn't understand how those clowns managed to get the better of them.

"I thought we were immune to gases," Julia pants as she wiped her mouth.

"So did I," Jester softly replied as he rolls it around in his head. "Whatever we were gassed with had to be designed specifically for us. I learned that over the years around J and through research into our condition. The chemicals alter our entire body chemistry. Therefore all drugs must be altered as well, or administered in gargantuan dosages. Intravenous works far better than gas..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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