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“yes! I promise! You can trust me, mom!” The little boy smiled happily.
“I know I can, kiddo.” the boy’s mom ruffled his hair “Take good care of your sister, you dad’s already in the car. Love you.”
“Love you too mom! Have a-.. nice night!!” The boy waved goodbye as his mom walked out the door, then, he was alone. The boy then turned away and started walking down the hall towards his baby sister’s room. He smiles happily as he opens his sister's room door. “Haruko!!” He said happily as he extended his arms, expecting his little sister to walk up and hug him. She did. The girl hugged him tight and then eventually let go, she was smiling, happy to see her brother. The boy then picked her up and set her on her bed. “Don't throw a fit, please. I just want you to get some sleep! It's alright pretty late, can you do that for me? Pleeaassssee?” The boy spoke to his sister like she'd actually listen. But of course, she didn't want to go to bed. The boy sighed and looked a little annoyed, but tried to keep a positive attitude so his sister won't get any more mad. “What if…. I help you sleep? Do you want me to cuddle next to you?” His sister seemed to know what that meant and dragged him down, which didn't actually, but he pretended like she did so she would feel accomplished. His sister giggled and the boy cuddled up next to his sister. His sister slowly started to calm down finally and fall asleep. The boy closed his eyes slowly but then was woken by a thump from outside the room. The boy was immediately woken up, but his sister was still asleep. The boy checked the time, it was 1:00 A.M. his mom still wasn't home yet. The boy slowly got up out of his sister's arms, trying not to wake her up. He hopped onto the floor and slowly opened the door. We tiptoed in the hallway and heard another thump. He jumped slightly then a huge glass shatter was heard in his parents room. He immediately panicked and ran to the bedroom. What if they're home? Are they okay? He immediately opened the bedroom door and gasped loudly. He froze. Terrified. The glass window in his parent's room was shattered and glass was scattered all over. Blood all over the floor and bed sheets, he saw his father's stomach ripped open with a beast eating his organs. Was that his mom? The white hair, the red dress, the one she wore at any special occasion. The boy couldn't move. He didn't dare. He watched his own mother eat his father's guts. His mother ate away at his father's dead corpse and she turned her head towards the boy. She noticed him. The boy couldn't help but scream. He ran, as fast as he could ever. He didn't know where to go. He turned to look behind him and saw his mother following him. He screamed “YOU MONSTER!” crying hysterically. His mother lunged at him. A knife. A knife! He grabbed the knife and immediately stabbed his mother in the stomach. “I'M SORRY!! I'M SORRY! I’M SO… I-..”  he cried. His mother immediately fell to the ground, dead. Blood filled the floor and the boy stood there with a bloody knife in his hand. He couldn't process what just happened. He fell to his knees and started sobbing, bawling his eyes out. Both his parents are dead, what could he do now?

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