chapter 1

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“Yes!! Of course!”
“Yes, give me!”
“What's the magic word?”
“Here’s your amazing breakfast, made by your amazing big bro.” 
Kiwi took the plate out of her big brother’s hands. She set the plate down and started eating it as fast as she possibly could. She was starving.
“Wow, Kiwi, after eating that much food that fast you might explode!” Her brother chuckled at his own joke.
“Shut up, Akito! You're making that up.” Kiwi said, then went back to eating her food. Akito laughed.
“I guess I should do dishes, huh?” Akito sighed. He hated doing the dishes. Why can't the world do them itself? He knew that wasn't possible.
“Yep! I'll do the dishes next time, how ‘bout that?” She smiled at her brother widely. She didn't like seeing him be so discharged. Akito then chuckled.
“Thanks, Kiwi. You're a good kid.” He then walked out the room silently after he spoke, letting Kiwi finish her food without him bothering her. Kiwi chowd down her food like it was her last meal she'd ever have. As soon as she finished she then looked for Akito. He was doing dishes, right? Yeah. I think so. She couldn't quite remember. She was so focused on food she had forgotten what happened before. She then walked through the kitchen door with her plate in hand.
“Done!” she grinned, proud that she had finished her entire plate with no leftovers.
“Oh, hey! You actually finished your food, eh? That's my girl.” He smiled at Kiwi and ruffled her hair with his wet hands from washing the dishes. Kiwi pulled away, she didn't like the whole ruffling hair type thing.
“Stop-!” She pulled Akito’s hand away. “You're gonna get my hair wet!” Akito chuckled, amused. But he then realized something.
“Hey, Kiwi, you know if Yui’s awake?” He questioned her, with a worried expression. Yui was always the type of person to act completely fine even though there's clearly something wrong. That's what worried Akito. She could be pretending to be asleep but is actually having a breakdown or who knows what.
“Uh, no. She's not. At least, I don't think so. I'll go check!” Kiwi ran out the kitchen leaving Akito behind to continue washing the dishes. She ran through the hallway like it was some sort of race. Once she arrived at their bedroom door, she stopped and slowly creaked the door open to not scare Yui if she was asleep. She looked inside but saw no one on the bed. She then tiptoed in and said “Yui?”
“Huh-?” Kiwi heard someone say in a whisper. It came from the bedroom bathroom. She then walked up to the door and knocked.
“Can I come in..? What are you doing?”
“Brushing my teeth..” It was confirmed to be Yui. Kiwi could tell by her gentle voice. Yui’s voice was always so sweet and so soft, it was hard not to recognize it.
“Oh! I need to brush my teeth!” Kiwi then opened the door immediately and saw Yui brushing her teeth. Yui jumped a little because of how sudden that was.
“O-Oh.. Y-You scared me..” she said nervously, stopping in the middle of brushing her teeth.
“I'm so sorry, Yui!!” Kiwi then immediately hugged Yui extremely tight, like she would never let go. Kiwi loved Yui so much, it was extremely hard to ever separate them. They both had met in foster care when they were both around 10 years old. That was only 4 years ago. They hadn't known each other for long but they're so extremely close. That's insane, Kiwi thought.
Yui looked at Kiwi, reassuring her that it was okay. “It's okay.. I wasn't that scared..” she chuckled a little.
“Oh, I know. I just feel bad for scaring my favorite person in the world!” Kiwi hugged her even tighter. Yui smiled at Kiwi. She has always felt bad for being one of, if not the only person Kiwi gives compliments to, but it always made Yui feel good. She had barely ever gotten compliments. “Anyway. We should brush our teeth now, huh?” Kiwi immediately grabbed her toothbrush, put toothpaste on it and immediately started brushing. She did it pretty aggressively, she was always determined to get all the bacteria out her teeth even though doing it that way probably wouldn't work. While she was brushing she looked over at Yui. She noticed how soft and gentle she was doing it.
‘This kid really can't get the grasp of genuinely brushing her teeth, can't she? She brushes so softly, she won't properly brush them’ Kiwi thought, or at least she thought it was only in her mind. Yui stopped brushing and looked at Kiwi, her expression showing one of pure sadness. Wait… “did I say that out loud?” Kiwi felt embarrassed. Shoot..
Yui nodded slowly. “I'm sorry..”
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Don't be sorry!! Please, I should be sorry! I shouldn't have thought that! You brush how you want, I'm just in a bit of a bad mood, right? Okay, got that? I know you did. Good!” Kiwi spoke extremely fast, too fast for Yui to understand.
“Nevermind..” Kiwi decided to drop it. “Just, I didn't mean that, okay?” Kiwi replied softly.
“Okay..” Yui responded.
A few awkward minutes of silence pass as they brush their teeth, and they both get done. Kiwi was done a little while ago, but decided to stop when Yui had finished.
“Oh, look, Yui! We stopped at the same time! I guess you're not really that slow after all.” Kiwi smiled, hoping that'll make Yui feel better. Yui smiles gently at Kiwi, appreciating her attempt to make her feel better. But then they both heard Akito yell.
“Kiwi!! Yui!! It's 7:30!! Get ready, I forgot you had school!!” Of course. He always forgot.
Kiwi and Yui exchanged glances, they have to be at school by 7:45. They're going to be late, aren't they?
“You're ready right?” Kiwi said nervously.
“Good!” Kiwi immediately grabbed Yui’s hand and pulled her out the bedroom door with her, as Yui held onto her for dear life. Kiwi and Yui run all the way to the kitchen, only to see that he's not there.
“You saw him last.. right..?” Yui looked a little nervous, where'd he go?
“Akito!!” Kiwi yelled, and then they heard stumbling down the stairs. Yui and Kiwi looked at each other again, then they saw Akito.
“Ready for school? Okay good, c'mon. We have five more minutes.” Akito chuckled nervously. He then grabbed the keys and unlocked the door. He walked outside to the car, Kiwi and Yui following behind. The only thing on all their minds were, are we going to be late? Once Akito reached the car door to unlock it, he looked at Kiwi, looked like he was going to unlock the car, then pulled his keys away. He slowly inched his car keys towards the keyhole.
“Just unlock it already!” Kiwi yelled, starting to get impatient. They're going to be late.
“Fine, fine.” Akito then unlocked the car door and got into the driver's seat while the other two hopped into the back and got buckled.
“You two buckled?” Akito teased, trying his best to get on Kiwi’ nerves.
“Ye-” Yui said, but was interrupted by Kiwi.
“Just go!! I don't want to be late!”
Akito chuckled, amused. He then backed out the driveway, blasted music, and started getting on the road towards the school. The school was 2 minutes away, and he acted like he was taking them on a road trip every time he drove them to school.
“Can you turn the music down..? Please..” Yui said, nervous.
Akito turned the music down 8 notches. “Huh? Said somethin’?” Akito questioned.
“Better..” Yui mumbled. She looked out the window. Kiwi started to feel bad, because she knew that Yui wasn't a fan of loud noise. Akito kept the music down, he finally remembered that too.
“Sorry.” Soon, Akito pulled into the school drop-off lane. “See you two! Have a good day at school! oh, and Yui, don't let the bullies get to you, okay?” He held his fist out to Yui, hoping for a fist bump.
Yui looked at his fist and gently, fist bumped him back.
“Yeah! There ya go. Okay, bye you guys.”
“Bye.” Kiwi mumbled, feeling a bit annoyed. Akito then drove off, leaving Yui and Kiwi walking next to each other to the school entrance. Kiwi didn't speak to Yui, which made Yui a bit nervous. Yui, though, didn't dare to speak a word. She knew Kiwi was in a bad mood. Both of them walked to the entrance and Kiwi opened the door for Yui. Yui smiled at Kiwi.
“I'm sorry.” Kiwi felt bad.
“For what?” Yui looked confused, why was she apologizing?
“For being quiet.. but I hope you have a good day, Yui!” Kiwi smiles “we need to go to first period. See you at lunch!” Kiwi waved bye as Yui stood there, waving back.
Kiwi ran to her first period. It was writing. Ugh. She hated writing but it wasn't like she had an option. Once she arrived at her classroom door, she opened it and ran to her seat. The bell had just rang. Kiwi looked up, only to see a substitute. What a bummer. If life couldn't get more annoying. But she decided to stay positive. Maybe the substitute wouldn't be that bad.
The substitute wrote on the board ‘Mr. Rodgers’ heh, not a bad last name, but Kiwi preferred her own last name better, Akagi. The guy was taking attendance. Kiwi was doodling on her notepad waiting for her name to be called.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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