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One minute until six in the pm--in one more minute, jennie will be seeing a certain beautiful girl again. In one more minute, she'll be going on a date with Y/n. Even if it's just a walk, she couldn't care any less, because anytime spent with the girl would be time well spent.

She watched the digital clock on the stove of her kitchen as it turned to six o' clock. She rushed over to the door and counted the seconds.

One, Two, Three, Four...

Then, there's a knock at the door.

As soon as Jennie heard the first knock, she tried her best to bite back the perseverant smile, but it didn't work. She opened the door to reveal Y/n standing in front of the door with a bouquet of flowers--flowers made of chocolate.

"Uh-hi... Jennie," Y/n stuttered, blatantly giving Jennie a once over with seemingly no shame.

"Hi, Y/n/n," was seemingly all that Jennie could let out. And although y/n was just in casual clothing, she still somehow was able to make herself look exactly like an angel.

"Oh. I-uh-got these for you," Y/n said as she handed jennie the bouquet of the chocolate flowers. Jennie took the flowers with a faint smile playing onto her lips before quickly placing the chocolate flowers onto a nearby end table.

"You're so beautiful," Y/n complimented sweetly, a ghost of a blush tainting Jennie's cheeks.

"Smooth, Parker," Jennie joked with a playful eye roll, while Y/n let out a breathy laugh.

Just as Y/n opened her mouth to speak again, the younger Kim came running down the stairs at breakneck speed.

"Who's that, Unnie?" Ella asked while wrapping her arms tightly around her older sister's waist.

"Her name is Y/n, Ella," Jennie responded before redirecting her attention back to the girl in front of her.

"Y/n, this is my six year old little sister, Ella. You can call her Ella or Ellie. I don't think you two have met before."

"Well, I think I would remember meeting a princess," Y/n said with a soft tone, a smile appearing on Jennie's lips when the older girl kneeled down and kissed the back of Ella's tiny hand.

God, this is so cute. Why is she so nice to everyone?

"I think I would remember your super  eyes," the youngest girl joked, a laugh escaping both Jennie and Y/n.

"Touché," Y/n responded halfheartedly, standing back up to come eye level with the older Kim.

"I'm gonna go out with her for a little while okay, Ella," Jennie gingerly said to her little sister, hoping she would let them go now. Don't get her wrong, she loves her little sister, but she was simply very excited to finally be alone with Y/n.

"Okay, have her home by eight," the six year old said to Y/n before making her way back up to her room. And Y/n couldn't help the snort that came with her attempt to suppress her laughter. Jennie stood still, cheeks burning from embarrassment.

"Wanna go now?" Y/n questioned.

Jennie flashed a smile when Y/n held out her hand to assist her down the stairs of her front porch.

"You're so cute," Jennie whispered out to herself, eyes widening when she realized that she had said that aloud.

"You're cuter," y/n said, a shade of pink raising in Jennie's cheeks once again, both embarrassed and flattered.

"Can I take you somewhere cool?" Y/n asked, looking over to the brown eyed girl beside her. "It'll be cool, I promise."

Jennie's worries were almost instantly taken away when Y/n entwined their fingers together. A smile grew onto her upward curving lips that she couldn't seem to shake off.

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