The truth unfolds

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A few hours later.
"What the hell is taking so long" I say to myself as I wait for YN to get back. God I've never been so embarrassed in front of my mother before. She always likes to use the fact that she owns this apartment. Not accepting the fact that I was the one who bought it, "Now now Katherine, I bought you this place, I can walk in and out whenever I please" she always said to me, hopefully YN's and I little rendezvous scared her off for a little while. I hate when my mom calls me Katherine, it's why I always stuck with Kate, but when YN calls me Katherine..I don't know, there's this..warmness in my heart every time. When all of a sudden I hear my apartment door open.
"Katherine...I'm really not sure about this" she says as she's running up the stairs. She entered my room and fuck, when I say that woman took my breath away I mean it. And when I say I was speechless, a thousand thoughts went through my head all at once, trying to process a sentence, trying to find the words to say to her.
"Wow! look-" I say
"Keep it in your pants Bishop" she replied jokingly
"What!, I'm trying to say that you look extremely sexy right now." I finally managed to speak as I rolled my eyes at her comment.
"Well, Katherine you keep talking like that, we're not going to make it to the fundraiser. We wouldn't want your mother being mad at you now would we?" She replied as she fixes up my collar. I go to turn away to finish getting ready until I was swung back around into my lovers arms. She put her hands around my waist with her head resting on my shoulder.
"You look so beautiful Katherine" she whispers in my ear. When she whispered that in my ear I felt...loved, like she wanted me for who I was..not my past. I felt the sense that she loved having me around. When she told me I looked beautiful I knew in that moment that she was the one I wanted.
"You- you think so?" I asked.
"Yes darling" she spun me back around so that we're face to face.
"I love you" I say without realising, I look up to see YN with a shocked look on her face then she looked down.
"Shit YN, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...forget I said anything I-"
I was cut off by YN's lips on mine. She pulls away,
"Kate relax." She says
I looked down but YN lifted my chin up, and stared into my eyes.
"Tell me again what you just said" she continued.
I take a deep breath preparing myself to say it again. I know she can sense me panicking.
"Katherine, my dear, just breathe"
I take another deep breath.
"I- I love you"
She kissed me once again.
"I love you too Katherine". She replied.
When I heard her say those three words back to me I couldn't help but smile like a kid on Christmas, but of course I had to contain my excitement incase she thought I was weird.
"Ready to go?!" She asked
"Mhm" I replied with the biggest smile still on my face.
*20 minutes later*
YN and I make it to the fundraiser.
"Katherine, where the hell have you know what, don't answer that I don't want to know, you've already embarrassed me enough, now get up there and do the speech" my mom nags at me as soon as I've walked in.
"What?!...This is your fundraiser, you do the speech" I reply to her annoyed.
"Oh but you are, whether you like it or not Kate"
"I think you're forgetting, mom, you lost the right to tell me what to do when I moved out"
My mom scoffs at my comment and rolls her eyes-
"God Kate you're so self centred, ever since you've been fucking miss murderer over here, you've thought of no one else about yourself"
I feel YN's hand grip tighter around my waist in anger.
"That's all you've ever seemed to care about..what happened to you Kate?!..has she corrupted you brain..has she mind controlled you to be such a bitch?..what happened to my Katherine? I am your mother you do as I say" my mom continues
Before I could get a word in YN stepped forward and got into my mom's face.
"I mean this in the nicest way possible Eleanor because trust me if your daughter wasn't standing behind me right now I would do a hell of a lot more than be nice, I'd suggest you walk away and do your own goddamn speech."
She goes to turn around to face me again.
"Oh and one more thing, you don't own her Eleanor, you can't dictate who can and cannot date or do, if you really love her, you'd let her be happy for once" YN continues.
My mother scoffs in disgust at YN and walks away.
Without any hesitation, I grab YN into a more...private room.
"In here" I said
"Kate, dear what are we doing in here" she replied with the biggest smile on her face.
I pull her closer to me and kissed her passionately.
"Katherine..what-what are you doing" she questioned while breathing heavy as I kissed her neck.
I pull away from her neck for a breather.
"Thank you, for protecting me from my mother, no one has ever done that for was pretty hot though not going to lie" I replied
"No one should ever speak to a woman like that, daughter or not, I'm not letting your mother make the same mistake as mine". She told me as she sat down.
"My mother was a shitty mother, she sent me to the Red Room because according to her it would "heal me". She told me I wasn't good enough, told me I had to defend myself. She left me for weeks on end when I was just a kid so she could run off and have an affair on my father."
I sat beside her and interlocked our fingers.
"My father he was a big drinker, every week he would ask for me money to buy alcohol. I didn't have any money at that time so I had to go out on the street and steal out of peoples pockets. If I couldn't steal out of their pockets I had to steal food from the local grocery store, and sell it on the streets to make enough money for my father."
She teared up while pulling out a picture of her and her father out of her back pocket.
"If I told him I didn't have the money he-.."
she paused for a brief moment and looked at me.
"He'd hit me...lock me in my room for days, without water or food." she continued.
"So I grew up hating everything, parties, myself, fundraisers"
"Where is your dad now?" I asked
"Oh he was shot and killed in front of me 10 years ago, my mother too" she said without an expression on her face.
"You were 15?!" I replied
"Yeah..that memory replays in my head every single night...that's  why I can't sleep at night."
I looked at her feeling extremely sorry for her, everything's she's been through. I can't imagine the pain she must've felt having to witness that.
"YN I-...I- don't know what to say." I said
"I'm not expecting you to my dear, but I'm gonna make sure to do everything in my power to stop your mother treating you like this" she replied.
"Do you wanna go home or stay?" I asked. Fingers still interlocked.
She looked at me a put a section of my hair behind my ear.
"Katherine, my home is wherever I am with you, if you want to stay we can stay"
She pulled me into a side hug, and kissed my forehead.
An idea popped into my head on how to get back at my mom.
"Hey..I have an idea!"
She looked at me while she still had her hands around my waist in the side hug.
"Oh yeah..what's running through that pretty little head of yours Kate Bishop?" She asked
"What if...hear me out, we act like a couple, all that type of shit, holding hands, kissing, front of my mom??" I said
Her smile widened.
"You know I was thinking the exact same thing my love" she replied
"And- and when people ask us if we're a couple we can act like we are, you know because out there there's a hell of a lot of old men who are probably homophobic" I jumped in
"Especially your mom" YN whispered under her breath.
"So what do you say YN? down"
I asked her
"Yeah..." she said weirdly. Like she was holding something back, I don't know. It was like she needed to tell me something.
I didn't take much notice of it as I just wanted to make YN happy right there in that moment of time.
sorry that this part took so long to write, ive been busy with college and looking after kids.
I hope you're enjoying this story so far, if so please feel free to DM me on instagram @salssteinfeld for any requests you'd like to see in this story.
I love you all 3000 <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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