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you know what I'm not exactly me today today today fucking sucked so what I drank a little so what my friends are mad at me so what no one even talks to me so what I spend every day hating myself but hey it don't matter right.
you know what stupid fucking me who lost everyone wants to say something even if it's too people who don't even know my name it's the best advice I got right now and I gotta get this out of my head.
don't trust a soul. no one not even your own self. don't fall in love it's a lie don't think the person you like likes you they'll just hurt you. don't talk to people everyone's evil in fact I'm deciding I'm shutting out this world everyone all my so called friends all the dicks at school that make me insecure fuck this I talk when I have to I'm done acting okay I'm done being something I'm not I don't want to socialise with anyone.
so here's my advice.
be a Lone Ranger cause no ones who they say they are. not even you are. trust no one. be nothing. blend. but most importantly. nothing on this planet matter. it's the sad cruel pathetic truth. so good fucking bye.

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