Chapter 14

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Part III: New Havenport

They step into the city and begin to walk around. It’s obviously been abandoned and theres even some overgrown vegitation. They walk around and look for any supplies or anything they can use for anything.

“Jeez…” Modus says, looking around. “You were right…there’s like…no one here.”

Barlon picks up a piece of rubble and throws it.

“This is much…sadder than I thought.” Barlon notes.

Modus picks up a piece of rebar and swings it around.

“Think I might be able to use this?” He asks Barlon.

“Maybe.” Barlon replies. “But I’m sure you’ll definitely get exhausted fast.”

Modus continue to swing it around, pretending to attack infected while excliming with each swing. Barlon looks over at him as if he’s a child with a stick.

“Pay attention and look out for food and stuff.” Barlon tell’s Modus.

“Fine.” Modus says, carrying the rebar normally.

Modus hears the sound of someone speaking. He looks around for the sound. He looks through the building and sees the light of a television. He gets Modus’ attention.

“Hey, hey. I see a TV on.” He mentions to Modus.

“Should we check it out?” Modus asks Barlon.

“I think we should. There could be someone alive. Or at the very least working electricity.” Barlon says.

“I guess you're right.” Modus says.

Modus follows Barlon as they walk towards the building. The closer they get the more prominent a disgusting smell gets. Modus refuses to go any further.

“God it smells like a damn mourge!” He exclaims.

“Deal with it.” Barlon says. “It's worth it for the working electricity.”

“Fine.” Modus says, continuing to follow him.

They walk into the building and see the TV mounted on the ceiling. They also find an old chair where the smell seems to be coming from.

“See?” Barlon says, walking up to the chair. “It's just an ol- JESUS!!” Barlon shoots back in fear when he sees what's placed on the chair.


Modus gets closer.

“What is it- OH GOD!!”

Modus gets behind Barlon as they look at the chair. The smell wasn't coming from the chair, but instead a corpse. The front half of it's skin is gone, it's skull is bashed in, it's torso is cut open and a few internal organs have fallen out. Modus and Barlon continue to stare in horror.

“...Explains the smell…” Barlon notes.

“Shut up…” Modus says.

The TV flashes and turns to some sort of informational message. Modus and Barlon look up at it.

“Hello. My name is Troden Remio, head of Neured labs. Due to a recent accident that left labs four and five unoperational it is my legal requirement to inform you of a newly discovered disease. Maligrosis Necrocutis, or 'Bug man syndrome’ is a type of virus that effects the human body. Early symptoms may include fatigue, nausea, memory loss, aggressiveness and high fever. If you notice any of these symptoms in you or someone you know please seek immediate medical attention. Due to the low information we have on this virus late symptoms are still classified to the public and will be disclosed at a later time. Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe.”

Modus and Barlon look up at the screen as it fades back to black, only to repeat again.

“Well…that kinda explains…this.” Barlon says.

“Hey!” Modus exclaims. “That's the guy from those tapes!”

“What?” Barlon asks confused.

“Those tapes I saw when we were at that…place. That…place…” Modus says as he gets another realization.

“THAT PLACE!!” He exclaims. “That place must've been Neured labs! It has to be!”

“Oh yea.” Barlon says. “You were going crazy about that when we had woken up.”

Modus turns back around.

“I'm done here, it reeks.” He complains.

“Right with you.” Barlon adds, following him outside.

They walk outside but they stop when they get outside when they notice a figure not too far away.

“Shit.” Modu whispers. “It's that guy who kidnapped us!”

“Do you think he's here to take us again?” Barlon asks.

“I'm not sure.” Modus says. “Maybe if we can just…”

Modus tries to quietly get away but the figure starts to walk towards them, causing Modus to stop. They look at it in fear. When it gets close enough it looks down at them, they stare at the massive tank of a person, noting but metal and a head.

“I believe we need a proper introduction.” The figure says. Neither of the two respond.

“My name is Troden Remio, or it should. And these are Maxwell and Amalia.”

He proceeds to open up his chest plate, revealing a mass of pulsating flesh. Modus and Barlon stare in horror.

“CLOSE IT!! CLOSE IT!!” Barlon shouts at him.

Remio closes the chest plate. Barlon looks at him pissed.

“What the hell, man!?” He shouts at him.

“I apologize. But in order to do my job properly I must disclose this to employees.” Remio replies.

“Employees…?” Barlon asks. “Look man. You’re obviously insane. I don’t know who you are or what you want but you are not that man on the broadcast.

“Correct.” Remio replies. “I am not that man. I am simply a cybernetic recreation implanted with his memories. No parts of me and him are the same.”

“What…?” Barlon asks, looking up at him. ”What the hell do you mean?”

“I’m afraid I must go, I have business to attend to.”  Remio says as he begins to walk off.

“HEY!! WAIT!!” Barlon shouts at him, attempting to get his attention again, but failing. “Damn it…”

Barlon and Modus begin to return to walking off, as if the encounter never happened.

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