Twenty Eight

16 1 0

Trevor's POV;

~ Miles Manor ~

"Don't go upstairs..." I blurted, but Fiona had already reached the door to my room.

"What's there?" Daniel frowned.

I ignored him and bolted upstairs. Too late, Fiona stood frozen at the doorway, her hand still on the door knob and mouth agape.

I took a quick peek inside the room, Cheryll's back was facing us, not much, but her bare shoulder peeking from under the covers spoke volumes.

I pulled Fiona away from the door and closed it. She stared at me, then blinked and looked at the door before looking back at me. I sighed.

"It's just what you think it is, she just fell asleep. So don't disturb." I flatly stated and walked back downstairs.

Fiona followed me and slumped on the couch without uttering a word. She seemed too pensive to even let her breath out.

After our ineffable moment, Cheryll immediately fell asleep. I'd just stepped out of the shower when the door bell rang. Daniel was the first to arrive while Fiona came in a couple minutes later and as expected of her, she immediately ran up to meet with her best friend.

Daniel eyed at me sceptically, but I was saved by the door bell again. I opened it to see Vincent and Maria standing there. I let them in and we all gathered in the living room.

"How is Cher?" Vincent asked. "Her recovery is making progress?" Fiona coughed at that.

Maria frowned at her friend, then looked over at me. I was sitting with an indifferent look on my face, though I knew I won't be able to escape Daniel's questioning afterwards.

"She didn't have nightmares last night." I gave them a short answer.

"What happened this morning is all over the internet." Daniel began. "I'm on with the progress of the case, for now Morgan will be in the hospital as his treatment is going on, after that he'd be taken into custody."

I nodded.

"What's with that attitude?" Maria frowned again. "Why're you suddenly back to being your usual cold self? We haven't seen you like that since Cheryll came along, did you two have a fight?"

Fiona chuckled at that. I warned her with my look, but she burst out laughing. Maria's attention shifted to Fiona, well everybody's did, but Maria was the utterly confused one.

"Fiona!" I gritted out.

"What's happening? You know something, don't you?" Maria directed the questions to Fiona.

"Them and fight!?" Fiona laughed again. "Expect a baby soon!" She exclaimed.

Maria's reaction now mirrored Fiona's earlier one from the doorway of my room. Vincent raised an eyebrow at me with a subtle smirk, Daniel wiggled his eyebrows with a grin.

"Out of my place, all of you!" I glared at them.

That did nothing for them to cease their reactions, but they obeyed. Maria and Vincent pulled out invites and placed the cards on the coffee table, said they were mainly here for this and left, Daniel patted my shoulder with that grin still on his face and walked out, Fiona laughed hard and ran out after Daniel.

I groaned and dragged myself upstairs to my wife. She was still sleeping and I was bored alone, so I went to sit beside her. I kissed her face, forehead, tip of her noes, neck, head, hands and continued as I couldn't get enough.

She woke up when I snuggled in beside her and stared at me in confusion. Her eyes trailed down my body and saw me clothed in fresh clothes.

"You took a shower only to get in beside me again?" She asked in her groggy voice induced by sleep.

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