When Heaven Reunites Two Souls After a Thousand Lifetimes (JUNGSU)

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  ☆ Kim Jungsu

  ☆ Im Eunkyung


  ☆ Star-Crossed Lovers

  ☆ Reincarnation

  ☆ Forbidden Love

  ☆ Sacrificial Love

Title: When Heaven Reunites Two Souls After a Thousand Lifetimes


Kim Jungsu perched high on the rooftop, his wings folded close to his back, watching over the city below. The sun was setting, casting a golden hue across the sprawling metropolis. In the distance, he could see Im Eunkyung, a high school student with a shy smile, her hair bouncing as she walked with her friends. Jungsu knew every step of her daily routine—the bus ride, the walk to school, the corner café where she bought her morning tea.

But there was a deeper reason for his vigilance. "This is my duty," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible over the city noise. "I must protect her." Though he could not interact with her directly, he felt an invisible bond tugging at his soul, a connection that stretched beyond this life.

As the city lights flickered on, Jungsu recalled the first time he saw Eunkyung in this life. It was in a crowded train station, her laughter rising above the clamor. There was something familiar about her, an echo of a memory he couldn't quite grasp. "It's impossible," he had thought, shaking his head.

Angels weren't supposed to remember their past lives. But the more he watched her, the more the memories seeped through, like glimpses of a dream. He could see flashes of a past life—a serene garden, a gentle touch, a promise whispered under a starlit sky. "Eunkyung," he murmured, as if saying her name could bridge the chasm of time.

Jungsu's mission as a guardian angel was clear: protect Eunkyung from harm. He knew the risks—interference was strictly forbidden—but the echoes of their past love made it difficult to remain detached. One evening, as Eunkyung walked home from school, a group of rowdy teenagers appeared around the corner, their intentions less than friendly.

Jungsu felt a surge of panic. "Stay calm," he reminded himself, flexing his wings in preparation. He couldn't touch the physical world, but he could influence it. He used his wings to create a gust of wind, scattering the teenagers' bicycles and sending them running. Eunkyung never knew what happened, but Jungsu felt a rush of relief. "You're safe," he sighed, watching her retreating form.

Despite his commitment to his mission, Jungsu couldn't deny the emotional turmoil he felt. He often found himself on the brink of breaking the rules, longing to speak to Eunkyung, to tell her everything. "You have to stay strong," he would remind himself, pacing the rooftop at night.

But the memories were relentless, each one more vivid than the last. He remembered their first kiss, the warmth of her embrace, the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed. It was as if these memories were trying to push him toward a decision, one that could have dire consequences. Yet, he couldn't stop them from flooding his mind. The sense of loss was overwhelming, but Jungsu knew he couldn't give in. "It's for her own good," he repeated like a mantra, hoping it would strengthen his resolve.

As Jungsu watched Eunkyung study in her bedroom, he felt a sudden pang of guilt. What right did he have to watch her from afar, to relive their past without her knowledge? He knew the rules, knew he couldn't cross the boundary between the spiritual and the physical. But the more he remembered, the harder it became to resist.

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