The Tangled Labyrinth of High School Hearts (O.DE)

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  ☆ Oh Seungmin

  ☆ Kwon Micha


  ☆ Love Triangle

  ☆ Friends to Lovers

  ☆ High School Romance

Title: The Tangled Labyrinth of High School Hearts


Oh Seungmin walked through the halls of Lilac High School with a confident stride, his easy smile drawing glances from nearly everyone he passed. His uniform was neatly pressed, but he wore it with a casual flair, the top button undone and his tie slightly askew. Girls would whisper and giggle as he passed, and his male friends would slap him on the back, joking about his latest antics. Despite his popularity, Seungmin didn't seem to notice the attention.

He was always focused on something else—a conversation with a friend, a joke he was about to share, or a quick stop at his locker to grab his guitar case for the music club. "Hey, Seungmin!" a voice called out. It was Lee Jinho, one of his basketball teammates. Seungmin gave him a nod and a grin, "What's up, man?" Their casual banter continued as Seungmin made his way to class, oblivious to the way others looked at him with admiration or envy.

Kwon Micha was the kind of girl who filled a room with energy just by walking in. Her laugh was infectious, a high-pitched melody that drew smiles from everyone around her. Micha had been best friends with Seungmin since they were kids, and their bond was something everyone at Lilac High knew about. She was creative, always sketching or doodling in her notebook, her ideas coming to life in vibrant colors.

Micha was outgoing and friendly, often seen in the center of a group, telling stories or cracking jokes. Her quick wit made her a favorite among her classmates, and she wasn't afraid to speak her mind. "Hey, Micha!" someone shouted from across the cafeteria. She turned and waved with a smile, "What's up? Need more bad jokes to get through the day?" Her friends laughed, knowing she had a seemingly endless supply of them.

Micha and Seungmin had a history that stretched back to kindergarten. They'd met over a shared love of dinosaurs, both of them stubbornly insisting that they knew more about Tyrannosaurus rex than anyone else. Their friendship grew from there, fueled by countless playdates, sleepovers, and shared adventures.

They could spend hours just talking about their favorite cartoons or playing video games, each one always knowing what the other was thinking without saying a word. Their families had become close too, with Seungmin's parents treating Micha like a daughter and vice versa. As they grew older, their friendship only deepened. They confided in each other about everything, from school projects to personal dreams. "Do you think we'll always be friends?" Micha once asked, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. Seungmin had laughed, "Of course! Who else is going to put up with my bad guitar playing?" Micha rolled her eyes but felt a warmth in her chest, knowing that his words were genuine.

Despite their similarities, Micha and Seungmin had distinct personalities. Micha was vibrant and expressive, always ready with a quick comeback or a dramatic gesture to make her point. She wore her emotions on her sleeve, her eyes lighting up when she was excited, and her brows furrowing when she was annoyed. On the other hand, Seungmin was more laid-back, his charisma flowing effortlessly. He had a way of making people feel comfortable, even in awkward situations.

While Micha might dive into a heated debate with someone over the best superhero, Seungmin would just chuckle and say, "They're all cool, aren't they?" His laid-back charm made him popular among their peers, and he seemed content to let Micha take the spotlight. "You know, Seungmin," Micha teased one day, "you could be a little more expressive. It wouldn't kill you." Seungmin just shrugged, "Why should I, when I have you to do it for me?" Micha laughed, unable to argue with that logic.

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