She Begged Him to Stay and Love Her Again for One Week (GUNIL)

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  ☆ Goo Gunil

  ☆ Sun Mikyung


  ☆ Falling Out of Love

  ☆ Closure Journey

  ☆ Letting Go

Title: She Begged Him to Stay and Love Her Again for One Week


Sun Mikyong and Goo Gunil had been together for three years, their relationship forged in the early years of college when everything was new and exciting. They met during orientation week when everyone was awkwardly finding their way around campus. It was the kind of moment that would later be described as serendipitous. She was late to her economics class, and he was rushing out of his philosophy lecture when they collided, sending books and papers flying across the hallway.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Mikyong exclaimed, dropping to her knees to help him gather his things. Gunil laughed it off, his voice gentle as he said, "No worries, it's a chaotic week. We're all just trying to survive." The connection was immediate, and soon they found themselves sharing coffee breaks and evening walks, discovering they both had a love for indie music and obscure films. It was as if they had known each other for years.

Over time, their bond grew stronger. They spent weekends exploring the city's art galleries, and on weekdays, they would meet at a small cafe off-campus to share playlists and swap stories about their families. Gunil had a knack for making Mikyong laugh, often with his offbeat sense of humor and exaggerated impressions of their professors.

"If Dr. Kim says 'metaphysical' one more time, I'm going to start keeping a tally," he'd joke, and she would burst into laughter, her eyes lighting up with amusement. They were inseparable, with friends referring to them as "the perfect couple," always seen walking hand-in-hand through the bustling campus.

They shared a love for indie music, long drives to the countryside, and late-night discussions about the future. Their conversations were filled with dreams of travel and adventure, with Gunil promising to take her to Europe once they graduated. "Paris in the springtime, that's what I'm talking about," he'd say, his enthusiasm contagious.

Mikyong loved these talks; they were filled with hope and excitement for the years ahead. She often imagined them growing old together, settling into a cozy apartment with a couple of cats, their walls adorned with posters from their favorite bands and their bookshelves overflowing with poetry collections and vinyl records. Everything felt possible in those early days, the world stretching out before them with endless opportunities.

But over the past year, things had changed. Gunil became more withdrawn, spending less time with Mikyong and more with his studies and friends. It started subtly, with him missing a few of their usual meet-ups at the cafe or cutting their dates short because he had to "catch up on readings." At first, Mikyong brushed it off, figuring it was just the stress of their final year. "Hey, it's just temporary," she told herself, trying to keep her spirits up. But the cancellations became more frequent, and the excuses started to sound rehearsed. "I'm sorry, I've got this group project to finish," he'd say, his eyes darting around the room, avoiding her gaze.

Mikyong felt the distance growing but clung to the memories of their earlier days. She'd sit alone in the cafe, hoping he'd surprise her, but the door never opened with his familiar smile. Instead, she'd see him walking across campus with other people, his laughter echoing through the corridors as he joked with friends. It hurt to see him so comfortable with others while he grew increasingly distant from her.

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