Chapter 23: Dont pretend to care

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Im usually the one who wakes up by 6

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Im usually the one who wakes up by 6. I prefer to start my day early. I'd go to my house gym and work out till 8. Shower and be ready by 9. I leave for work by 10 and return at 8-9. Sometimes early.

Kaira wakes up when I leave. And if it were up to her, she'd sleep at the time I wake up.

When I woke up, she was still sleeping.

Her face was turned towards me. I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear as I watched her peaceful face. There were no nightmares today.

Her eyes snapped open, making my hand freeze on her cheek. Her eyes followed my hand until they landed on me.

There were no emotions in those pretty eyes.

She pushed the comforters away and got up. She walked out of the room, leaving me alone.

I sighed and went on about my day. Step by step.

It's crazy how one moments you're laughing with someone, talking to them and the very next moment they're gone

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It's crazy how one moments you're laughing with someone, talking to them and the very next moment they're gone. It makes you wonder whether they were a figment of your imagination or a real person.

First my mom, then my dad. I have no one left now.

I wish I could give the years of my life to my dad. I wish I could've said goodbye.

People say it isn't really a goodbye, that we'll meet again. But will I? After what I did, do I deserve heaven?

I'll be rotting in hell.

If they even exist.

Whenever anyone in the house asked me how I was doing, I just smiled and said "okay"

I wasn't in the mood to talk much or say much or even be around anyone much.

The whole week I had just spent in my room, sketching a little to distract my mind.

The whole day would be a success until night. I've been sleeping in the guest room, trying to give him a hint that he wouldn't take.

He'd get in the room, thinking I'm sleeping. He'd kiss my hair and wake up before me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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