Chap. 96 - Bad Thorn

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Gustav: - Huh. Hey. Let's calm down a little... Shall we? -

As soon as the identity of the mysterious subject was revealed, neither Zeb, nor Numa, nor Foxley hesitated to take out their weapons and point them at the stormtrooper's face. His mere presence was a danger, making everyone present extremely nervous, including Hera and Chopper.

On the other hand, Kurt seemed quite calm, although his eyes darted everywhere. And Icarus remained serene, with his arms crossed behind his back and staring at Imperial.

Foxley: - I'm not liking this anymore. They didn't tell us anything about imperials. -

Zeb: - I agree. What does he gain from all this? Has no sense. General... We should retreat. -

The lazat's question was very accurate. What would an imperial gain by betraying his own? And a sergeant no more no less. That although it was a fairly low position, the benefits were supposed to be much better than any private soldier. However, he would not remain silent.

Grezit: - You ask me what I gain from all this... It is a very correct question... But I think the answer will not be enough for you. -

Zeb: - Try me. -

The man stopped to think for a second. Despite having three blasters pointed at his face, he seemed incredibly calm. As if he were not afraid that some of those present would slip their finger and press the trigger. Then, he spoke.

Grezit: - Venganza. -

As he had mentioned, none of the newcomers accepted his words. And why would I do it? A word would not be enough to calm his doubts. And they were not wrong. Nevertheless.

Icarus: - Very good... So be it. -

Foxley: - General? - He asked amazed.

Icarus: - The destiny of this galaxy has been forged by beings with a similar desire. Very good, sergeant. I hear it. -

The three armed men looked at each other, but if the general decided to continue, there was little they could do to prevent it. Although of course, that wouldn't make them holster their blasters and relax.

Grezit: - I have access codes, and the authorization to enter and leave the bunker without having to face a superior. I can guarantee your access without having to use more... flashy methods. But once inside, there won't be much I can do for you. -

Icarus: - That will be enough. Get ready. We will perform in two rotations. -

The planning of the assault was verified on multiple occasions. The local rebels had a good plan for action, but some advice from the tactical super droid was well received. Icarus memorized every passage, every section of the fortress as if it were part of himself.

As a droid, he was capable of memorizing and analyzing every insignificant detail, making precise calculations of how long it would take the Imperials to respond to the alarm signal, and even how many would respond to such a call. Still, the main objective was to go unnoticed at all costs, but one is never sufficiently prepared for the unforeseen. And now, the newcomers had some time to talk privately.

Foxley: - There is... Something strange about all this. -

Hera: - What do you mean? -

Foxley: - I couldn't say... We're supposed to be an infiltration group... But more and more members of the resistance are showing up. -

Zeb: - Well... Any help is always welcome. -

Foxley: - I don't know... Something just... Doesn't feel right. -

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