Chap. 97 - No Turning Back

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Icarus: - I will not oppose the decision of the people of Kergans... But I will not support it either. -

The droid already had an idea of ​​what was happening, but hearing it from the contact's mouth reinforced his fears.

Having the coldest of reasonings, a civil uprising in conjunction with its infiltration plan would be a perfect second distraction. Altogether, the main fortress of Kergans would be surrounded between an army of separatist remnants and an armed uprising in the city.

It would be the perfect chaos, and the opportunity to operate more easily among the chaos within the Imperial ranks. However, there was something he didn't like about all of this.

Contact: - We don't count on your help... We never did... Kergans has been preparing for this moment for a long time before your arrival. This is... inevitable. -

Icarus: - Kergans is located in the mid-rim... It will only be a matter of time before an Imperial armada returns to claim the planet. How long do you think you can resist? One week? I guess maybe less. -

Contact: - That doesn't matter. -

Icarus: - How does it not matter? What is the meaning of everything then? -

Contact: - Simple. Show this galaxy that the Empire is not unbreakable. Show that you can be defeated. Call to the rest of the worlds in the galaxy. Call them to take up arms and make the Empire bleed from within. That is the meaning of this uprising. -

Icarus: - So that's it... You're simply going to use this planet as an example... No matter the consequences... No matter... what happens. You know that the Empire will take dams... You know that thousands will die. -

Icarus looked the man in the eyes... He stared at him, trying to define if the Contact showed hatred or determination. Whether that was his will or his desire... But that man was more difficult to understand than any other being in this galaxy. What was its purpose? Was he fighting for a cause he considered just, or was he simply someone driven by a thirst for revenge? Questions, which were answered with a single sentence.

Contact: - There is no price that high. -

Icarus felt it once again

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Icarus felt it once again. That resentment so deeply rooted in that man's conscience that it seemed to overshadow every trace of his humanity. Many doubts passed through his circuits, the man's past being the main one of all. What moved him to do that? What prompted him to crush everything to do what he considered right?

For a moment, the droid's hand wavered. A calculation ran through his mind. A calculation that lacked logical reason, but that its core sent to its computer as an imperative. His hand was tempted to take the lightsaber and kill that contact right there, in that place. As if it were a necessary evil... Something I couldn't ignore. But the beep of his communicator brought him out of the trance he was in.

Icarus: - Icarus speaks. -

Doom: - General, we are in orbit. -

Icarus: - Noticed. Proceed according to plan. -

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