Chapter 1: Leaving Anya's Personal Hell

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"It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company."- George Washington

What looks like a sad departing to others but one of them looks kind of..... relieved?


(Anya's POV)
I stood there, watching out the window as my mom, Phil and Bella hug. Completely forgetting me, which was fine more me time! "Anya hurry your ass up!" Bella screamed. "Okay, I'm coming" I grabbed my two bags and walk down stairs. I hope my other bags reached safely to dads

"Let me put your bags in the car for you" Phil said grabbing my bags from my hands. "Thank you, but I could have done it myself" "Anya Clementine Swan don't speak to him with such attitude!!!" Renee yells in Anya's face while gripping her hair. "Ow! Please stop, I didn't mean it that way! Mom stop!" I tried to take her hands off of my head, feeling it throb.

"Renee stop!" Phil said. Gently but quickly took her hands off of me and held me away from my mom. "She wasn't talking back! Anya is to soft spoken and respectful to talk back! Unlike Bella! Either way this isn't how you are supposed to treat your child!" I ran my fingers through my hair, massaging my scalp to ease the pain. "Well that FREAK needs to learn her lesson for speaking back! And you are too nice to notice that she was indeed talking back, honey!"

"SHES NOT A FREAK" He yelled before turning to me, patting my head. "Get in the car please, and i'll get some medicine for the pain" I opened the car door to the passenger seat and sat down. Locking my side of the car, I put my earbuds in and tears fall down silently. Muffled screams pasted on for a couple of minutes before Phil slammed the car door. Before I could even speak he reversed out the yard and quickly drove off.

She must have made him really mad. Wait where's Bella? I take my earbuds out and turned to him. "Phil are you ok?" "I'm fine Clemmy, I just don't know what got into your mom's head" Oh please she's always been a crazy bitch. I usually don't speak like this but it's true "Are you ok?" "I'm fine my head just hurts." I say rubbing my scalp, wiping my tears and took the medicine, Phil had on the dash.

"Mine and Bella's flight is soon" I softly say fiddling with my fingers. "I know! That's where we are going, I'm dropping you off!" Phil happily said acting like he wasn't extremely pissed a second ago. The switch up is kinda scary, like a Hippo. Calm and happy but can be dangerous and scary

"Well if my eyes aren't deceiving me, Bella's not here" I said looking around, holding my eyes open with my fingers. Phil laughed at me "You look silly! I don't really get to see this side of you often, but i love it every time! With Bella, your mom is dropping her off"

I raise my brow and tilt my head, surprised. "And why's that?" "Because she called you something you aren't" Why couldn't mom and Bella be as nice as Phil. I look ahead as we pull up to the airport. "I see"
He parked at the side of the entrance and turned to me. "I love you kiddo, you know that right? And I'm sorry about what Renee did. I'll miss you but i think you moving to Forks is the best option"

A tear slide down my face, hearing the sweet words fall out his mouth. I'll miss him, but it's for the best. I need a new start. I launched at Phil and hugged him tightly. "I love you too, I'll miss you so much" We hugged and cried for a while before we let go.

I checked the time, wiping my tears off my face. "It's almost time for me to board." "I'll walk you inside. Also I made sure you and Bella didn't sit near each other so you can have some peace." We got out the car and grabbed the bags from the trunk. "Thanks Phil, I don't think I could have handled her" We walked inside and stood at my plane number.

"I don't think I would be able to handle her either" Phil said, which made us burst in a fit of giggles. All passengers riding plane 67 please board. "Well, that's my plane. I'll miss you and have fun with baseball. I'll cheer from afar!!" He hugged me before whispering in my ear. "Take care Clemmy"

We let go, waving to each other while I climb aboard. Walking around trying to find my seat I finally found it. It was next to a sweet old lady who didn't look like she talks much, which is a plus. I put my bags in the overhead before sitting down plugging my headphones in. I looked around to see if I see Bella, but I didn't. She must be somewhere behind me. This will be a long ride, wishing time would hurry up and past. I sigh and get comfortable for this long journey ahead!

He leaned close to my ear, having a death grip on my arm. "You must be the freak twin no one likes you. And just because your dads the chief doesn't mean he can save you" He smirked letting go before talking to Bella, already feeling a bruise forming.
-Preview of the next chapter🤭
Soooooooooo....... What do y'all think? Was it good, bad or okay? Any tips would be greatful i just want y'all to like this story😭 Also i feel like i made this first chapter a little chaotic but i kinda like it idk. GUYS PLZ HELP!!!!!!!!
GUYS DID THIS MAKE SENSE TO YALL "What looks like a sad departing to others but one of them looks kind of..... relieved?" PLZ SAY IT MADE A LITTLE SENSE😔😔😔
Also i kind like that her and Phil have a good relationship at first i didn't really think about that till i started typing and it came out like this⛓️


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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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