Facts About Anya

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Anya is Bella's younger twin sister. Renee doesn't like Anya and most of the time forgets her. Phil is more of a parent to Anya than Renee. Charlie is meh, he cares but sometimes forgets her and focuses on Bella more.

Anya's Features: Pale white, brown almost black hair, soft round features, and heterochromia (left is pink and right is light green) (the pictures at the top is an idea of what the colors look like)

Anya is a very quiet girl and she doesn't really stick up for herself. She loves to sing, dance and read. She's an all around a really good person and friend but the people around her look past it bc of the way she looks and acts.☹️😔

She has a human power just like Bella with her shield. Anya can sense bad presences and gets flashes of what makes them bad. (sorry if i explained that badly, you'll see later on)

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