Chapter 26

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You could not stop taking pictures of Jin and Ben together when you all finally emerged from your rooms, ready to go to the wedding. Ben looks like a mini-Jin, both of their hair swept back from their forehead the same way. They were beyond adorable.

Jin agreed that Ben looked handsome, but he couldn't take his eyes off you. The dress was even more gorgeous than he remembered. Now for the first moment of bravery.

"Y/N, I have something for you." Jin shyly made his way toward you with his arm held behind his back.

As soon as he was close he revealed the hidden stack of boxes. Even before you could take it in your hands he blurted out, "It's a bracelet and a necklace, I thought it would go well with the dress."

You offered a warm smile and thank you as you opened the boxes. Inside were two beautiful double strands of pearls.

"They're beautiful," you breathed out. "Thank you for letting me wear them tonight."

"They aren't just for tonight," Jin nervously responded. "I want you to keep them. As a gift."

"Oh Jin, this is too much, I can't do that."

"No, I insist. You've done so much for me and for Ben it's the least I can do. Please accept it?" He almost had a pleading look in his eyes which was impossible to deny.

"Ok," you whispered back, eyes still caught on the beautiful jewelry in your hands.

Jin gently took the boxes back and helped you put the new pieces on. First the bracelet, where his fingers gently brushed over the inside of your wrist causing your pulse to speed up. Then to help you with the necklace. Once again his fingers brushing along your sensitive neck as you could feel his breath on you, carefully clasping the pearls together.

"Perfect, you look perfect," he breathed out, gently resting his hand on your waist as he turned you to face him again. Thankfully before you could blush too much Jin was distracted by pinging on his phone.

"The car is here, if we're ready we can get going."

Jin had explained that security would drive you too and from the venue and would be nearby in case they were required, particularly if there were issues with people taking pictures of him that might get out.

Jin opened the door for you, ushering Ben in first to scoot toward the middle and then helping you in. After you were settled and he had confirmed your dress was out of the way of the door, he gently closed it and jogged over to the other side to let himself in on the other side of Ben. As soon as Jin had checked Ben's seatbelt to ensure he was firmly buckled he motioned to security that we could go.

It was a bit of a drive since the wedding was taking place in an adjacent city. Ben was busy looking at some dinosaur books he had brought along while Jin told you the names of all of his relatives we'd be seeing that day. You were concerned as you could barely remember any of them, but Jin assured you that he'd be by your side to help out.

The wedding venue was gorgeous. Beautiful flowers decorated both the entrance to the venue and the large ballroom. Jin quickly found our table assignment and ushered us to our seats, joking how he had been put in a prominent location so everyone could see his handsome face.

True to what he had said, Jin had slipped his fingers between yours as soon as you were out of the car and was holding your hand the entire time, palms pressed flat against each other and fingers laced in a firm hold. On his other side Jin held Ben's hand to make sure he felt comfortable in the crowd of strangers.

Several of Jin's cousin's were at our table and offered warm greetings as we arrived. You could see Jin's parents at another nearby table, along with his brother and his family across the room. Ben was busy asking you about everything in the room, from the people, to the tables of drinks and snacks, to the candles on the table.

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