The Prince From the West

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(This is a reallllyyyyy long one, so get ready B] )

Its been around over 2 months since my family moved to Hawkins and 2 months since I've become a Prince. We were relatively wealthy crop farmers, but once a random great Uncle died, they left us their entire fortune. We slowly but surely built a name for ourselves and became the wealthiest farmers/family in the town I came from. When my mother got word that Hawkins was looking for rulers who specialized in our business, she started to consider us moving there. At first it was just a what if, but soon it turned into maybe we should. Apparently Hawkins had a pretty rough winter, and they desperately need a royal family to help them for the next years to come. So it became final. My mother got in contact with the Karen Wheeler, and expressed how we were in no matter royalty, but we were good at our jobs, and could be a great help to Hawkins next winters to come. Lots of papers were signed and we had our own secret coronation. Considering how its mandatory for a ruler to rule, but they desperately needed our help, so they did it under the table. And soon enough we were moving into our shiny new castle. The first couple of weeks we had many royal families come to visit us, and welcome us to the land. And then we were asked if we could have a party here for Princess Nancy and Prince Steve's engagement announcement. My mother gladly accepted and in a weeks time our whole castle was filled. It was nerve wracking to say the least, I've never seen so many people before. And I never felt more alone at the same time.

King Ted was about to announce the engagement so I ascended the stairs up to the stage next to my family. I lean over to my brother and whisper that I'm probably going to disappear after the announcement, saying that I'm tired and overwhelmed. He nods and leans over to our mother, relaying what I just said. She smiles and gives me a thumbs up, signaling she was fine with it. I love how understanding they are. I fix my gaze on the crowd, looking for anybody I might know. I catch a glimpse of someone who I haven't talked to in a while. Princess Elle, she and I became good friends when she visited, but that weekend wasn't all sunshine and rainbows... Just thinking about her makes it hard to breathe, she said so many awful things to my face. I can feel my breath quicken. I look around the crowd even more, trying to ground myself on literally anything before I breakdown in front of everybody. My eyes scan but nobody sticks, I catch a glimpse back at Elle who is looking at someone next to her. I switch my gaze over and I almost immediately feel at ease.

A boy who would be significantly taller than me, their black curls are sat neatly on his head. His brown as far as the eye can see eyes that are staring directly at mine, pale skin that glows under the dim lights. Who knew a single glance from this stranger could make me so at ease. Who are you? You seem somewhat familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it. The boy notices that we're staring at each other and adverts his gaze. A little pissed I can't see his whole face anymore, but ill take his profile. I continue to stare and analyze this strange boy, his eyes meeting mine once in a while, but immediately moving them away. In no time at all the speech was given by King Ted and all the guests started to disburse. I rush down the steps and go to the last place I saw the boy, I don't know why I feel this need to find him but I just want to know who he is. But when I get to the spot I saw him at, he's already gone. Upset I didn't even get his name I run out of the castle. I run out to the courtyard and into the woods. I take my man made path and get to Castle Byers. My sanctuary, my safe place, the place where I calm down and collect my thoughts. I go over to the small pond and step onto the deck, taking my shoes and crown off. Pulling up my pants, I sit down and dip my feet in the cool water. Its always good grounding for me. Its so quiet out where I am, unless you count all the crickets and running water, you can't hear anything from the castle. 

But when you jinx yourself, its bound to backfire.

A twig snap. I spin around and see a silhouette of a person in a darker part of the trees. I try to squint at them to see them clearer, but its a no go, I can't see them at all. They start to take a step forward.

When Blue Meets Yellow In The West -Byler AuWhere stories live. Discover now