The Goodbyes

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As I wait patiently for Will in the waiting room, I can't help but worry. He had the vibe that he was just exhausted, like he couldn't walk if he tried. I sit there and listen to the elevator sounding music and tapping of my finger on my knee, staring off into space. But I am brought out of my head space when I hear my name called.

"Mike?" I hear them say. I look up to the voice and see my older sister in the doorway of the waiting room. She walks over to me and sits in the chair besides me.

"I've been looking for you for forever!! I need to tell you all the deets!" She says as she takes a few breaths, like she just ran all over the castle. I assume she wants to tell me about how her "date" with Steve went, so I put my attention to her.

"Yeah sorry, Will wasn't feeling well, so I offered to take him here and wait for him after. What's up? How'd it go with Steve?" I ask, my tone is apologetic at first, but moves to a more neutral.

She takes a big breath. 

"Ok so I definitely broke his heart and he is very sad right now but he also doesn't want to be king so soon just like me so he agreed to talk to dad which is in like an hour and if he doesn't agree to call it off me and Jonathan are going to be gone by tomorrow we have already packed and are all set its just up to dad!" She says all in one go, taking a big breath afterwards.

I'm surprised she could talk so fast, but I got most of what she said.

"Tomorrow huh? So soon...and has Jonathan told Will yet?" I ask lowering my head a bit.

"He did, around afternoon. He said Will was sad, but he understood what Jonathan's choice was. So that is why this is probably good bye for now little brother." She says as she gets sad in her tone.

"We both know our father, and even his best friend couldn't change his mind, so I don't think two young adults are going to either. So you shouldn't expect to see us at breakfast tomorrow." She says finally.

Not gonna see her for awhile... That stings a bit, but I understand what she needs to do to ensure her freedom. And its not like I'm never going to see her ever again.

"Where are you going? How will we stay in contact?" I ask as I raise my head, looking her in the eyes.

"I can't tell you where, but I will send a weekly note, never the same address, and never telling where we are. I can't risk dad finding us and forcing me back to the Castle. I can't go through that Mike." She says as she holds out her hands for me to take. I hesitantly take them, but very loosely. I look down at our hands and then back up to her.

"Ok, you can go. I surely can't hold you back, and nobody who knows will try either. You need to be free, and being forced to marry and rule is not your free will. So go, ill be fine here, I'll watch after Holly, and I'll deny anything I know if our parents ask. You can trust me Nance." I say seriously.

She gives my hands a light squeeze and then pulls me to her. She hugs me kinda sloppily but I manage to hold her back.

"I'm going to miss you Michael." She says into my shoulder.

"I'll miss you too Nancy, just make sure to stay in touch, and don't stay away forever." I say with a squeeze around her shoulders. She lets go and stands up, taking a few backwards steps towards the door.

"Love you Mike, see ya later." She says as she makes it to the door.

"See ya Nance, love you too." I say back, she gives me a small smile and then leaves into the hallway. But then suddenly comes back, peeking her head around the door frame.

"Also! Let me know how it goes with Will!" She says with a smirk and a knowing look. Before she disappears back into the hallway.

She so knows.... How am I this obvious?

I don't know how long its going to be till I see her next. But I now that where she is going, she is going with a good purpose, and that's all that matters. People need to stick it to the man more often in my opinion. Maybe what she's doing will inspire some to be rebellious and speak out more, and to stick it to the man.

I sit there for maybe another 10 minutes, waiting for Will. But eventually he comes into the waiting room with a slight stagger. I get up quickly and walk over to him, taking his shoulders in my hands to steady him.

"You good Will? What did the doc say?" I ask as I feel his cheek with the back of my hand. He immediately leaning into it. 

"He said that its mostly just stress, but I might have a fever coming, so he said to monitor it. And if it gets worse, that I should come back to get real medicine. For now he just gave me some ibuprofen." He says with his eyes closed, one arm wrapped around his torso and the other holding onto my arm for support.

"Lets get you to bed. You need to rest." I say as I turn him around and lead him out of the waiting room.

He leans on my side again, just like he did before when we were going to see the doc.

"I wanna go to your room...." He says quietly, trailing off at the end. It catches me a bit off guard at first.

"Don't you wanna sleep in your own bed?" I ask. Looking over to his profile. But he only shakes his head.

"Its too far to go to my room....can i-..." He says, but trails off at the end, slowing his pace to a full stop. I stand in front of him with worried eyes.

"Whats wrong Will? Are you sick again? Want me to take you ba-" I am cut off by the sound of crying. Will has his head lowered and he is crying right in front of me. I try to lift his chin, but he doesn't let me. I make my voice soft and quiet.

"Why are you crying Will? What's wrong?" I ask, with my hands on his shoulders and my face looking down to the top of his head. He continues to cry, but then his sobs change tone, like there no longer sad ones. He looks up to me very swiftly, tear soaked eyes and envy written all over his face. He backs up to the point where I can't hold his shoulders.

"Its ok Mike, I know you don't actually want me in your room. I'm sure your disgusted by me even asking, and I'm sure Elle wouldn't like it either...its hurts..." He says with another loud sob. What is he talking about? I reach out a hand to hold his shoulder again, pulling him back to me with a bit of force. Because he tried to fight me on it again.

"Ever since you told me that you and Elle are together I cant-....I can't help but feel jealous....." He looks into my eyes. " I can't help but feel selfish, I don't want to be, but that's all I feel..." He says that and then he collapses right there. I catch him thankfully, but he is fully out like a light. What the heck was he talking about? Me and Elle? Jealousy and selfishness? Could he! Now's not the time. He wanted to go to my room? So be it. I pick him up and wrap his legs around my waist, he subconsciously wraps his arms around my shoulders and buries his head in the crook of my neck. I hold him from under his thighs and make my way to my bedroom. Thankfully dinner was over, and everyone went back to their living quarters, so nobody was around. I make it to my hallway, but I see somebody in front of my door, a very familiar face must I say. I walk up to her and greet her quietly.

"Hey Elle, what's up?" I whisper to her, adjusting Will under my grasp.


Yas! Another chapter done! Will kinda confessed??!! That's big right!?

What's Elle going to talk to Mike about? (I actually don't know lol, I just randomly though 'oh hey! Why not have Elle waiting for him??'. Ill figure it out)

Thank you for reading this chapter!! Please consider voting, commenting, saving, or following! Anything helps to boost my work!

Don't forget to drink water!!!💧Its so good for you, trust me! I luv wader!!!

Much love🤘


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