chapter 28🔞

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Porsche baby wake up kinn shaked porsche. Porsche woke up looked at kinn remembered last night is face became red. What? are you blushing kinn teased sat beside porsche. Porsche hide his face in duvet. Kinn grabbed duvet which covered porsche's body porsche immediately hide his crotch with pillow. Kinn smiled baby i saw every inch in your body why are you hiding said kinn took pillow from porsche's hand then took him bridal style went to the bathroom.

They both went to the dining table porsche was limping both legs were numb. They had breakfast kinn gave tablet porsche took those tablets they both went bedroom porsche lyied on bed i want to sleep porsche said. Do you want sleep kinn asked you didn't let me sleep last night porsche complained kinn smiled lyied beside him caressed his hair then sleep i will be here with you said kinn. Porsche hugged kinn drift in to sleep.

Kinn got call from big he attended sir we found his body in lake. I think someone killed him. Kinn went out of the bedroom he don't want to distrub porsche's sleep.

After he run away from there find where did he go first and who did he contacted kinn said. Yes khun kinn said big kinn cut the call.

Vegas I'm getting late i have to go pete said vegas looked at him let's spend more time with us you don't need to go work vegas told him. I already took more leaves how. I already talked with kinn that you're not going to work there anymore pete looked at him. What how can you do this vegas this is embarrassing.. what embarrassed of it vegas said. You pete screamed they heard knocking sound. They saw vegas father they both went to the dining table ate their. Breakfast.

Kinn i prepared hard for interview I'm gonna get my internship job their porsche mumbled himself looked at mirror resume where did i porsche saw resume took it rushed out saw chay hia all the best said chay porsche caressed his hair went out.

Porsche saw kinn who was talking in call went to big. I'm getting late should i go by myself. I can call cab porsche said. Why porsche turned back looked at kinn that I'm going to an interview there are luxury cars that's why porsche said. No need to call cabs big give your car keys to mac he will drop you kinn said big looked at them gave key's to mac.

Porsche was waiting for his turn. They called him inside porsche went in a man sat his face looks so strict porsche remember his maths teacher he went near that man told him to take a seat. Porsche sat name that man asked. Porsche pachara Kittisawasd said Porsche. That man looked at porsche. Porsche didn't like that mans gaze roaming around his body he felt uncomfortable. So you're here for intern job porsche nodded yess sir.

That man got out of his chair went near porsche if i will give you this intern job what will you give me return that bloody old ass asked. Porsche clenched his fist he understand what that man asking. Sir i need to use restroom i will be back. Take your time think about it said that man porsche went out dialled a number.

Porsche came in sat on chair so what did you decide that man asked. What do you want me to do sir porsche asked. I will send you my farm house location just tonight spent with me. You don't need to work i will give you certificate. I don't need it mr.. what? That man asked porsche got up i don't need it. Yeh stop said grabbed Porsche's wrist.

Door opened kinn came in with big and arm boss that man loose his grip looked at them porsche looked at kinn. What are you doing kinn aura got dark he took steps towards that man. Sir.. sir i didn't do anything sir this boy asked that he wants certificate he will do anything i got angry that why I'm dragging him out of my office. Porsche looked at that man disguised.

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