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Collette's POV

Weeks have passed since I saw Zara at Valentina's front door. I'll admit, seeing Zara angered me, I had no interest in shouting or making a scene because the last time I did I pissed a lot of people off and risked losing the girl I love.

So instead I made Valentina scream for me.

It worked and I felt good that I was the one who made her sound like that, more over it made me extremely happy to know Zara was listening to every last sound I made her make.

I haven't spoke to Val in the last five weeks. Which means it mid May so the weathers warming up and I'm less than two weeks away from graduating. Val and I haven't spoken mainly because I wanted to focus on finals since the last time I had a test, I practically failed.

So I've decided to be clear of major distractions. It's been hard but pottery is really coming in hand.

On the other hand, Zoë and Quinn are back together, or somewhat back together.

Most important thing is Zoë's happy, and that's what really matters.

I have one two last finals to write, all today. Chemistry and Maths. I hate Maths.

It makes no sense to me. I'm only realistically doing it all for my future. I guess I want to be a criminologist that badly.

Chemistry is first. I'm scared but I know I'll be okay, I've studied and haven't had many distractions honestly.

But I miss Valentina terribly. Somedays I even question if I made the right call by going almost low contact with her. We have the everyday good morning, goodnight and I love you texts and they fill my heart so much each day. And we have our bond touch bracelets which honestly I use more than I should.

But I haven't seen her in a long while. And i miss her.

"We can do this." Zoë said as she sat next to me and Birdie.

"We can, it's just a couple questions." Birdie shrugged.

"That determine if we graduate or not, but yeah just a few questions." I said feeling a little nervous.

"Letty, we literally all got into our dream school, we're graduating babes." Birdie said.

"Exactly, we're graduating." Zoë said.

"Right, we are." I said more confidently as Zoë and I faced forward, and Birdie went back to her seat at the back before Mr Bale came in and handed out the papers.

We had two and a half hours to do this paper and I actually remembered to think this time.

The paper was hard I'll admit but i managed to get through it. Everything I went over was in the paper and I'm hopeful I came out with a good grade.

Maths was next and it was easier than expected. We only had an hour and a half to do this maths paper and I know I'm coming out with a somewhat good grade.

The one downside of all of finals was that the seating was set out according to your last name, I had the person I hated most in this moment, sitting directly behind me.

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