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I sat under her desk and it probably wasn't the best idea but I panicked. And in all my panic, I had an idea.

"Wait." I said to her before she could answer her door.

"Darling—" she whispered.

My hands crept up her thighs sliding her underwear down and pushing her legs apart. "Just try your best not to make it obvious." She said to me as she held my chin in her hands.

"If you remain quiet." I smiled at her. And she answered the door.

I didn't care to listen much to what was being said as I placed my mouth over her exposed and wet core.

Five weeks went by without this. I seemed to be just as eager as she was, judging by how wet she was.

"Good you're still here." I heard Mrs Morris's voice.

I stopped for a moment And Valentina shuffled further down her seat. I chuckled internally and went back to what I was doing.

Lapping my tongue over her core tasting every inch of her.

"Yes." Valentina said coldly.

"Have you spoke to Collette and Birdie about being first at graduation?" Mrs Morris asked.

"Not yet." She said calmly and I knew I needed to speed up.

I placed longer strokes to her core. Bottom to top, and dipped my tongue into her every couple strokes.

"Okay, that's fine. I also wanted to talk to you before I leave about graduation day." Mrs Morris said and valentina hummed in response.

It was low and soft almost like a held back moan. I smiled against her and continued just speeding up everything.

"The walking set up, we'll be going in classes. So S1 then S2 so on so so forth."

"Mhm, okay." She said coldly, I could hear her breathing pick up, it was subtle but if you knew Valentina, you know she goes from quite a small and subtle change to a more noticeable one. She was tightening around my tongue slowly.

"Are you okay?" Mrs Morris asked.

"Yes, I've just got a lot to think about before graduation." She asks calmly and coldly.

Mrs Morris laughed "Don't we all Val." She said. I ran my fingers up and down her legs and thighs.

Mrs Morris went on to talk about the speeches and the line up and how to present the students speeches Val was close.

"Co—could you send all this to me in an email. There's a lot to note down." Valentina said coldly.

"Of course, I'll be off for the day but I'll be sure to send it to you later this evening." Mrs Morris said.

"Thank you." Valentina said.

"I'll be off and let you grab those students then." Mrs Morris said before I heard her chair move back.

"Yes." She said softly. This wasn't a response to Mrs Morris rather it was one for me and I flicked against her clit harder, dipping in and out of her every now and again.

"Great, have a good rest of your day." She said as she left. Opening and closing the door behind her.

"Jesus Collette." She moaned out softly gripping her desk.

I sucked once more and it was enough for her to come on my tongue. I slowed down and helped her down from her high.

"You came quickly." I smiled up at her as I moved out from under her desk.

"Whose fault is that?" She asked me sarcastically.

I chuckled and helped her back into her underwear. And stood up to kiss her.

She ran her thumb across my glistening chin and she kissed me again.

"Have a think about being valedictorian, and I'll see you on Saturday my love." She kissed me once more fleetingly.

"I will." I said before I left.

✾ ✾ ✾

Tomorrow's graduation. I've been so happy that it's finally come to an end but when the moment actually comes to become scary.

To think about it, it's hard to think about the fact that after the summer you won't be returning to the familiar classrooms, teachers or even teaching structures.

It's all new. Everything is new, a new stage in life, new campus, new professors and a new living environment, since we'll all be moving away from home for college.

After our long while apart Valentina and I have practically spent every weekend together, doing things we love to do together, wether it's laying in bed or on the couch watching our favourite shows and movies to baking and cooking dinners together.

We've built a structure where if I cut everything, she's cooks or bakes it. And we both do the dishes.

It took sometime to get her to actually agree to this structure officially because she fought it most of the time. I didn't want to not do anything while she did everything, I felt bad.

Even if she said me sitting on the counter talking to her was enough.

Today is the last day I have before I graduate and I had a few things to do before I graduate.

One of those things was visiting my mom's grave.

It sucked to put it that way but I always liked to include her in the big days in my life. I'd gone to tell her about my dad when it all started, then again when things got hard with him and now this.

Going was always hard. But I always brought her favourite flowers, pink tulips just like me. I also always brought Kinsley's drawings if she couldn't come with. I'd sit at her tombstone and talk, tell her about everything going on in my life.

So that's where I was now. On a relatively cloudy summer day.

"I'm graduating tomorrow, it feels so surreal." I said as sat next to her grave.

"It feels like just yesterday I was fifteen and sitting next to Zoë's side. And now all of a sudden we're graduating." I sighed.

"I have a girlfriend." I took a breath. "I know it's like a shock or whatever but I do love her." I said with a smile. "I feel like I'm telling you what you already know."

"Anyways, her name is Valentina. She's older than me but she makes me feel safe. Safer than ever. I don't know, it's always been easy to talk to her about everything. I don't feel like I've had to hide a piece of me for her. She knows all my favourite things, even the things I've never told her about, she knows them. She's like home to me." I smiled talking about her.

"And I know if you were here, you'd definitely scold me but I've been an ass to her. Not now but earlier this year. I pushed her away so much, yet she never left. She's just been there for me."

"You would've liked her, you know." I smiled.

I stayed there for a while longer just talking about everything on my mind and when I finished, the sun was shining, brightly too. It wasn't hot or beating down it was just warm and bright.

I smiled to myself and told my mom I loved her and left to go home.

When I got home both Kinsley and Colton were waiting for me.

"Good you're home." Kinsley said in excitement.

"We have presents for you because you're leaving school." Kinsley said with a wide smile.

"Really." I said.

"Yes. Come." She took my hand and led me into the kitchen which was quite literally filled with gradation gifts.

I got an array of things, some were crazy expensive like an ipad, Polaroid camera, a regular camera, to things like notebooks, a new water bottle, and sunglasses.

I thanked them both before we went out to dinner as a last night in high school celebration.

All very much a Colton like idea.

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