Japan (Emotional Chapter)

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~With Anthony; May 16th, 2024~

I was wrestling some matches to kill some time before I had to leave for Japan, but now that I've arrived in the country for the first time since 2023, I saw that the very first Marigold event was taking place in a few days, so, I decided to look around and visit some shops and just try to kill some more time.

I then saw a florist, who had these beautiful flowers, and I knew what I was going to give Eimi when I finally arrive there, but it's not the only thing I'm gonna be arriving in.

I plan on wearing my uniform when I was in the army.

I have it with me and I haven't wore it since forever, but because of this event, I have to wear it and surprise everyone, including Eimi who just means so much to me.

So, I went to the florist and looked around, trying to figure out what kind of flowers to give Eimi.

There are many different types with different meanings, as I learned that the roses have the meaning of congratulations, love, happiness, and things, just like the US, but in this case, roses might have to be the way to go.

I don't plan on buying them yet. I'm gonna buy them at the very last minute, because that way they'll be ready for the event.

Other than the florist, I decided to take a walk in the park and just mind my own business, but I'm serious, I wanted to pay respect to the culture and wear jeans all the time while I'm there.

From what I know, the Japanese rarely wear shorts and showing skin is something that isn't very popular, so long pants like jeans are the way to go.

As I walked around, the pond was looking beautiful and I decided to take a picture of it, but since there are people around, I decided to blur their faces since photos are okay as long as other people ask for permission, but if they don't want their faces shown, they'll be vocal about it.

So I blurred them out of respect for their privacy and not push it as far as it can be.

~May 18, 2024~

The show was in a couple days, but there was something that I gotta do here before anything else: visit Hana Kimura's shrine.

Hana and I were very close friends and she never saw me any differently, as her motto in Tokyo Cyber Squad was "Everyebody's different! Everybody's special!"

When I heard the news that she passed away, I was personally devastated until I learned that she committed suicide due to cyberbullying. I always showed my support to Kyoko however I could and I would occasionally donate 3/4 of my earnings in wrestling to Remember Hana, the foundation Kyoko had founded in memory of her daughter.

I would also buy a couple of stickers she had for sale and put them on my bags.

Since I learned to drive in Japan and learn the differences in the rules of the road comparing to America and Japan, I managed to get a rental car to find where Hana was buried.

When I finally got to the cemetary, I didn't bother to take out my phone because it's a sign of disrespect to the dead, so I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket while looking for the shrine.

Being in this cemetery really makes me feel uneasy, knowing that so much death is residing.

However, it's a natural thing to experience, so I didn't let it get to me, but what I did let get to me was a familiar face and I just talked about her.

However, it's a natural thing to experience, so I didn't let it get to me, but what I did let get to me was a familiar face and I just talked about her

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