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~With Eimi; Late At Night~

A few hours after Tony had fucked me like I haven't been before, I felt something moving on me, and then I remembered that Tony has PTSD from serving in the army.

He was squirming around making some noises I've never heard before as it got me concerned. I had to try to wake him up by

Me: トニー。トニー、起きて! (Tony. Tony, wake up!)

He kept moving around and just kept making the noises, it was only after a good long while that he woke up and screamed!

Tony was also panting but after a few seconds, he started to cry as I hugged him tightly.

Me: 大丈夫だよ、トニー。吐き出してくれ。僕がそばにいるから。 (It's okay, Tony. Let it out. I'm here for you.)

I never heard Tony cry like this and I know about his time in the military, thanks to him telling stories and the reason he has a prosthetic leg he needs to care for for the rest of his life.

I didn't let go because I wanted to make sure he was okay until he was ready to go back to sleep.

To be honest, I don't know how girlfriends, fiancées, or wives, or whatever care for their military spouses, but this was the only way I can think of to make sure that my new boyfriend is okay.

I'm really concerned about him because I heard that many veterans like Tony, who suffer PTSD from their service, often consider suicide as a way out of this thing, as they feel really alone, but I won't let him kill himself from this, not while I'm here.

~With Tony~

Everyone says war is hell, but I call bullshit on that because to me, the aftermath of war is truly hell.

To keep myself from having these nightmares, I take some antidepressants to help me sleep and keep the PTSD down, but I never took them tonight thanks to the sex Eimi and I had a few hours ago.

Tony: エイミ、ビュッフェに行ってゾロフトを買ってきて。行って。 (Eimi, go to that buffet and get me my Zoloft. Go.)

She nodded and looked to grab them as I had water with me.

After she came back, Eimi gave me the Zoloft and I took it as I tried to calm myself down, but it just wasn't enough.

Instead, I got out of bed, showered, dressed, and looked to take a walk, but Eimi had to stop me.

Eimi: アンソニー、どこへ行くんですか? (Anthony, where are you going?)

Me: 少し散歩する必要がある。 (I need to take a walk for a bit.)

Eimi: あなたを一人にしないから、私も一緒に行こう。 (I'm not gonna leave you alone, so let me come with you.)

Me: 大丈夫ありがとう。 (Okay. Thank you.)

After Eimi got dressed in her own outfit, we walked around Tokyo, looking to help me walk off what I just experienced. I really need it and I saw that a Yatai, or a street food stall was open, so we walked over there and it was really cool.

However, a couple of people didn't recognize us, so there was some hope.

When we sat down, I ordered some of the guy's pork ribs while Eimi wanted pork dumplings.

The owner's wife got started with the dumplings by mixing pork with scallions while the owner worked on the ribs.

He took out a dozen ribs that were pre-cooked, sous vide, I think, as he set them off to the side of the stove while he prepped the sauce.

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